Chapter 1

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Harry- I wake up with a groan, I sit up looking around the room seeing only one entre / one escape root. I sigh getting up walking over to the door hearing people speaking.

Molly- "will the poor boy be alright, because he is so thin and dirty"

Dumbledore- I put my hand up in a calming manner "once he is awake, he shall get a bath then we will start training for him, so then we can win the war"

Lupin- "are you sure sir because it will take ages even maybe over a year"

Dumbledore- "it will be fine and it won't take him that long to learn after all if he is like any of him parents then he will soon get everything in no time, especially with him being the saviour, the chosen on and all, so he should defiantly be a powerful Wizard that will win us all victory by killing the dark lord after all it's all for the greater good"

Hermione- "can me Ron and Ginny see him sir"

Dumbledore- "only one at a time though"

Ginny- "can I go first, I want to see my future husband"

Dumbledore- I nod my head "of course dear"

Harry- I shuttered at the feeling of having to be with a girl. 'oh hell no that's not going to happen, not I my watch or my life'. I hear the girls foot steps, I look around the seeing a sharp knife on a tray with food on. I quickly grab the knife and hiding it up my sleeve when the door open.

Ginny- I open the door seeing him standing there even though he is dirty he still look cute and hot. I walk over to him taking his chin in my hand when I seeing a sharp through my hip. I step back slowly seeing a knife wound in my hip. I was about to turn and run before I feel to my kneel clutching my now rapidly bleeding neck. I gasp before not being able to hold my self up before turning on my back looking up to see Harry with a knife right between my eye before he pulled the knife up in the air bring it down as fast as possible before everything went back. I then see light again looking down at my body before looking at Harry "why did you do that to me, I could of been you wife"

Harry- I put my head back laughing before looking at the ghost girl called Ginny "well that was the problem, I hate girl or should I say I'm gay and no on is controlling my life or letting my fight a war so that can all shove It up their arses all they want, I doing no fucking thing for no one but my self"

Ginny- I cry before whooshing out of the room to the rest telling them what happened

Harry- I smirk before taking the knife out of her body putting it away safely before laying down going to sleep hearing the others


sorry Ginny Fans but she just had to go


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