Chapter 2

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Harry- I when I wake up I still find my self in the same room, I turn on my back looking around the room seeing two people sitting in chairs one with wavy black hair and blue eyes and one with Ginger like hair and blue eyes. I sit up putting my back to the wall watching them while glaring catching there every move so I won't get hurt/harmed by them.

Sirius- I look up seeing Harry awake and now glaring at us "hello Harry, we would like to talk to you if that's okay with you"

Harry- "my name isn't first name isn't Harry and my last name isn't Potter, my real name is Cade Axel Prevelle, so really you just kidnapped the wrong child you psychopaths, so why would I answer any of you question when I would rather die then tell you anything"

Remus- "no your name isn't Cade Axel Prevelle it's Harry Potter and where the good guys"

Harry/Cade- "well technically you aren't the good guys because you just locked up a random boy who you thought was your stupid saviour (Harry ever since was kicked out went by Cade Axel Prevelle and people know him by that name even went to Gringott's to change it but without others but him and the Goblins knowing), so technically go and research my name and there it is proof that it is my name, even look at this while your at it" I chucked my inheritance that one I changed it too with the goblins

Sirius- "what does it say?"

Remus- "it says

Inheritance Official

Mother- Katie Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle

Father- Arthur Prevelle

Child- Cade Axel Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle

D.O.B- 13th of June 1980 at 3:35


Katie Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle - Mother - Died in action (war)

Arthur Prevelle - Father - Died in action (war)

Lucius Malfoy - Uncle - Alive

Narcissia Malfoy - Aunt - Alive

Draco Malfoy - Cousin - Alive

Sirius Black - Cousin - Alive

Remus Lupin-Black - Cousin-in-law - Alive

Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black - Aunt - Alive (magically insane)

Rodolphus Lestrange - Uncle - Alive

Rabastan Lestrange - Uncle-in-law - Alive

Creature Inheritance Official

Magical Level - Higher than Merlin

Magical Core - Dark Green

Magical Creature - Vampire (Submissive)

Mate - Severus Snape (Dominate Vampire)

Powers - too many to list*

Oh Sirius what have we done, we not only stole a child but the wrong on and the mate too Snape as well"

Sirius- "we have too show the other the Inheritance only but show everything too Snape I might hate him but a pissed name would not turn out well and it's the right thing too do and I can't believe I'm saying this all"

Harry/Cade- "thank you, at least now someone listens to me and understands me"

Sirius- "can I ask you something cousin"

Harry/Cade- I nod my head "sure cousin"

Sirius- "why do you look like Harry Potter?"

Harry/Cade- "because Harry Potter is my birth name but Cade Axel Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle is who I really am, the Creature inheritance is real though always has been for all of it"

Remus- "thank you for telling us this even though we didn't get every question me and Sirius wanted to ask but altogether this information was great also we didn't agree to the locking up thing, we joined the order of Phoenix years ago but was douting Dumbledore everyone is exspect for Granger and the Weasleys which are included Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Ronald Weasley and Ginny Weasley but the rest of the Weasley who are the Twin Fred and George, Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley and Charlie Weasley"

Harry/Cade- I nod my head "I know the Twins because of there shop, I even helped them to pay for it or should I say open it up, I meet Bill while I was at Gringott's when he was taking some spell, blocks and curses that where name by Dumbledore and one by Voldemort aka Tom Riddle who is the way he is today because of Dumbledore because Dumbledore tricked him into splitting his soul in the first place which starting taking his sanity piece by piece until went back to normal but I helped Tom go back to his true self even got read of the Snake like features which took at least 5 month because was Wormtails fault in the first place, so I punished him before letting Nagini do the rest of should I say killed him by biting him aka injecting her venom into him, meet Charlie one day in Hogsmead when he came to Hogwarts with the dragons for the Triwizard's tournament and then meet Percy when having a trip to the Ministry, I feel sorry for the guy no one gets him much but all he wants is in life is too have lot's of money then move to the country side with his wife and build their own house in there own way from scratch even the muggle way and have a happy life with her even have little children running about having fun with him and his wife"

Remus- "wow, didn't know anything about that at all and this whole time no one catched you" I then see him change so he now has light blue eyes with a hint of red slowly showing every seconded, Black light wavy hair that goes down to his waist, more of a doll like face and his body is no feminine more submissive "wow you have the black gift a metamorphosis"

Harry/Cade- I nod my head "I do have the but this is what I really look like underneath everything" then at the moment my vampire teeth come out. I put my hand too my mouth quickly "sorry I haven't eaten since yesterday"

Sirius- I smile before walking over to him while pulling up my sleeve and showing my wrist "go on but be carful not to try and kill me please"

Harry/Cade- I nod my head before taking his wrist into my hand and then I dig my teeth into it. After a minute or so I stopped before putting my index finger to my teeth letting some healing venom drop onto it before putting it on the two dotted flesh wounds letting them heal fulling. I look at my Godfather/cousin "thank you"

Sirius- I smile at my Godson/Cousin "you welcome" I turn to Remus "We better get going and show the rest everything including Snape" I turn to Cade kissing his forehead "we will see you in a bit"

Harry/Cade- I wave "goodbye for now"



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