Chapter 8 - eleven years later

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McGonagall- "Raven Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle-Snape"

Alaster- "Ravenclaw"

McGonagall- "Helena Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle-Snape"

Alaster- "Hufflepuff"

McGonagall- "Salazar Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle-Snape"

Alaster- "Slytherin"

McGonagall- "Godrian Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle-Snape"

Alaster- "Gryffindor"

McGonagall- "Draco Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle-Snape"

Alaster- "Slytherin"

McGonagall- "Dormiens Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle-Snape"

Alaster- "Gryffindor"

McGonagall- "Nunquam Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle-Snape"

Alaster- "Ravenclaw"

McGonagall- "Titillandus Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle-Snape"

Alaster- "Hufflepuff"

Cade- I smile turning my head to Sev "well good job I choose there name now they can all bring equality to all houses and all the houses will all like each other again"

Dormiens- I sit down next to my brother "well this is shocking but by us all will bring equality to each house that's what I heard mother say"

Godrian- I shake my head chuckling "what with you and using your powers hay"

Dormiens- I smirk Mischievously at my brother, I nudge his shoulder with mine "oh come on live a little brother stop being a sourpuss"

Godrian- I shack my head before eating

-the end-


Godrian- Empath

Dormiens - Telepathic (includes hearing people speak/say)

Raven - Animal/creature control (includes humans)

Nunquam- Magic Mimicry

Draco- Shapeshifting (includes humans/animals-Animagus)

Salazar- Healing (himself and others)

Titillandus- Plant control

Helena- Atmokinesis

I now they might be rubbish powers but better to have rubbish powers than none at all

C.W. - Hoped you enjoyed this story and more and now goodbye

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