Chapter 4

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Severus- I sit down now in my chambers on the couch in front of him while he sat on the other facing the one I'm on. "so were have you been because I remember last time I was you Mate also your master but you left and morphed into another person but I always knew it was you until about 4 years ago you stopped going, why because you extremely scared me"

Cade- I look up from the floor now looking sad and guilty "well I though you didn't want me anymore, so I left but morphed into some else so no one know it was me expect you of course because I saw you one might flirting with another man but now I know you weren't flirting at all you were just having a friendly chat but with me not going to that place anymore, I go into a shit load of trouble because with me on the street and all I had to steal to survive but I took it overload one day and practically drained my magic then way, so was caught by the Ministry were I found Percy who broke the law for once letting me free when I tolled him I could morph into someone or something else and he agreed but I had to go into hiding for a while because in cause I got caught again or more so I went to the muggle world and did my surviving there for a while until I for course the other day came back and wanted to treat my self with something from Hogsmead but of cause got caught up with Dumbles"

Severus- "Cade another question why did you never tell me who you really way or should I say you were born as or should I say birth name?!"

Cade- I feel a tears roll down my face in fear "because well I'm not Harry Potter well my birth name or should I say originally was born with the name Harry Potter but that's not me anymore, I'm Cade Axel Pendragon-Mortimer-Prevelle not Harry Potter, I should have the right to be who I am also like everyone says well I think people says - never look at the past just keep moving forward because in the end it will never get you anywhere in life if you always keep looking back because there the door you can either open it and make new choices or stay there and never change at all"

Severus- I open I take my knee "come here". once he was on my lap I pulling him into a bear like hug "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of shouted at you like that It's just that your mine and no one else, I would never cheat or anything on you my little submissive because your always mine and it will always stay that way forever until the end of our day I just thought you were gone forever I was worried about you thinking that you might be hurt or even worse dead which tore my heart apart especially thinking or believe in that in the first place"

Cade- "I won't be going any where else again master never again because you were always my master and I was always your submissive no matter what happened in the past or the circumstances that we all took I will always be yours and you mine" I then feel a whoosh go through us. I look at Severus "what was that Master?"

Severus- I pulled out my wand doing some spells "it seems our heart to heart has magically formed a bond between ourselves for some reason but some actually was bound to happen but still is too early but we will have to put up with it now because now has happened my little submissive"

Cade- I nod my head laying on my chest closing my eye for a minute to only find out I had actually fallen asleep


guess how any words was this chapter - 666 words well that's a bit weird isn't' it


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