Before reading this, watch the video! It's hilarious!!
It had been a normal Tuesday. But the day before, Lumine and Kody where out in the rain and due to Kody being a witch and not wearing a raincoat, he got sick. Aiden forced them both to stay home. To be honest, Lumine was kind of happy because he could help Kody get better.
"Lumine?" He was awoken from his thought by Kody. "Y-yes Kody-san?"
"First, call me 'Kody', not 'Kody-san'! Second, please go get the thermometer and tylenol from my father *cough* please..."Lumine being loyal to his crush, got the stuff from Kody's father and gave the stuff to Kody. "Thanks Lumine." A moment went by, Kody staring blankly at the items in his hand. "H-hey L-lumine...C-could you take my temperature, please?" Lumine started to giggle. "S-shut up!! *Cough* *cough*!"
"Alright." Lumine took the thermometer from Kody's hand and stuck it in his mouth. Beep Beep! Lumine took it out of Kody's mouth. "HoLy cRaP!! 100.7!!" Aiden seemed to hear this and ran up the stairs, barged in Kody's room and dramatically posed. "OH DEAR, MY SON KODY!! WHAT SHALL WE EVER DO!?!" Aiden dramatically shouted. "Let me sleep." Kody bluntly stated.Aiden went to the corner of his room and started to grow mushrooms while sulking. "D-dad!! Stop!!" Aiden then stood up. "Lumine! I have an idea!" He pulled Lumine out of the room and started whispering to him. Kody could hear the whispering, but didn't know what they were talking about. A moment later, Lumine and Aiden walked in with smirks on their faces. "What?" They went closer to Kody, and closer, and closer. Now they were standing over Kody and his bed. Kody's eyes were widened. "D-dad? L-lumine?"
Lumine smirked a bit wider. "NOW!" The next thing Kody knew was that he was being hugged to death by his father and Lumine. "GAAH!! I'M BEING HUGGED TO DEATH BY DAD AND LUMINE!! SHERRY!! HELP!!!" Sherry ran to see what the ruckus was...Aiden had a sore head from being popped by a newspaper by Sherry, along with Lumine. "AIDEN!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING YOU'RE WORK! AND LUMINE! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING KODY!!" Lumine's wolf ears went down. "S-sorry Sherry...I thought it would be a good idea to hug Kody...I wanted to help him get better..." Sherry sighed at Lumine. 'He's to damn innocent for his own good..." Sherry thought. "S-someone...G-go get me a bucket.." Kody said, covering his mouth.
Lumine ran down the stairs and got a bucket and ran it back to Kody just in time. Kody gladly took the bucket and started throwing up in it. Sherry and Aiden walked out of the room, not wanting to puke themselves. Lumine on the other hand, just had a blank expression. "Kody?" He rubbed Kody's back as he kept throwing up. A couple minutes later, Kody's throat hurt and he was laying on his bed, facing Lumine. "Ugggghhhh...I feel like sh*t! Lumine..." Lumine held back a couple of giggles. "Yes Kody?"
"Can you lay down with me?" Lumine blushed slightly at Kody's request, but did as he was told. "Hey Kody." Kody opened one eye to look at one of Lumine's eyes. "Y-yeah."
"Get better soon..." Lumine hugged Kody and fell asleep. Kody just lay there, contemplating what Lumine had told him. Kody then smiled a genuine smile at Lumine, then joined him in sleep.Aiden and Sherry walked in Kody's room with some soft and flat soup and some salted crackers on a plate for Kody. "Well, let's put it in the microwave for when he wakes up, along with his prince charming." Sherry said, while Aiden was busy taking pictures of his son and Lumine.
Kody and Lumine woke up about 2 hours later and Kody was hungry. "Mmmm, I'm hungry..." Kody groaned, while rubbing his left eye. "I'll go make you something!" Lumine said, jumping out of bed. Lumine quickly ran down the stairs, bumping into Aiden in the process. "S-sorry!! Kody is awake and he was hungry." Aiden smiled and pat Lumine on his head. "There's some soup in the microwave with some crackers, I'll go get it." Aiden said, while going to the kitchen. Lumine saw Aiden come back with the food for Kody.Kody sat up when he saw his father come back with the food, Lumine too. "T-thanks." Kody said, shivering. Lumine took the food and decided to...Feed it to him. "K-kody! O-open your mouth!!" Both boys blushed and Aiden laughed. Kody reluctantly, opened his mouth and Lumine fed him some of the soup. This went on for about two minutes before both the soup, and cracker were gone. Lumine was still blushing and quickly, took the dishes back into the kitchen. Slowly, Lumine walked back to Kody's room, only to find him asleep while his father rubbed Kody's head. Lumine smiled at the scene and Aiden walked out of Kody's room. "Good night Lumine." Aiden smiled ad giddily left. Lumine went to his room, put on a baggy T shirt and black shorts. He lay in bed, drifting off to sleep, when he saw a figure in the door way. "H-hey, Lumine? Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" It was Kody. Lumine sat up and patted a spot on the bed, with a bright smile.
Kody got into Lumine's bed and both faced each other before they drifted off to sleep. Aiden and Sherry stood at the doorway, smiling at the two boys as they slept. "Aiden, do you think the have feelings for each other, but hide it?" Aiden nodded. "Sherry...Get me le camera!" Sherry sighed and handed Aiden the camera. Immediately, Aiden started taking pictures. "Aiden..." Sherry started. "Yes Sherry?" She sighed and looked at Aiden. "What happens if everyone finds out about Lumine and Kody? You KNOW people don't like it when different species date each other."
"Then, we call her." Aiden stated, actually being serious. Sherry nodded and left the room, along with Aiden.Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoy this story. This chapter was just for fluff, before we get into some serious shit!! But I'm never serious and I have a terrible stories, so...Yeah! I'll try and do my best to update my stories!! I mean ALL OF THEM!! So probably expect hella updates. Also, I want you guys to tell me which yaoi ship you want me to write about on Yaoi Oneshots (even if I haven't seen the anime)! And I want you guys to ask me a bunch of questions and I'll answer them, for 103 followers!! Thank-you and have a great day my little cupcakes!!

:Hated and Loved: Lumine x Kody (KoMine)
FanficLumine and Kody have feelings for each other and Aiden, Sherry and Silver are happy. Elijah is jealous and tells Calla, and she tells a friend and soon, word gets round school. Some people are accepting, but some aren't. Most people aren't approving...