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"Mom, my project buddy will come over. He'll sleep here too. Is it okay?" I ask my mom.

"Is it a friend of yours?" She asks.

"Not really but he looks nice."

"Do you want me to make dinner for you guys?"

"If it is okay with you?"

"Anything for you." She smiled and kiss me in the forehead. She is putting the laundry hamper in the laundry area.

It is currently 5:06 PM and I need to clean my bed because he'll never gonna sleep on the couch. I went upstairs, I went to Facebook and send him the address. I didn't know that we are friends on Facebook. I haven't open it for a while. I use Instagram and Twitter the most.

So I just waited there and I start to clean my room. I never notice that there is a lot of crumpled paper everywhere and I can even walk through it without kicking them off. How many things am I writing to my journal?

Well, I'm not the kind of kid that makes the room really messy. I have a tidy room but papers everywhere. Just imagine a really clean, tidy, Tumblr boy aesthetic room, that has a lot of crumpled papers. That's what my room looks like.

Since it's just crumpled papers I easily throw them into the trash can and change the plastic bag of it because it is already full. Full of papers. I am very sorry mother earth. Then I went downstairs and throw them to the dumpster.

I saw my mom starting to make dinner. She is probably the queen of multi-tasking you know? So I went upstairs. I check the time it is 5:34 PM and I saw that Finn already replied.

Finn: I don't have a car. Pick me up.


I went to McDonald's to pick Finn up. Because I just remembered he doesn't have a car. When I pulled over I saw him. I open the window for him to know that it is me. This is just the second time I invited people to my house.

My sister is like, highly extroverted and she comes home with a friend. Not that often but, a lot. Finn is just a striped tank top and a short. You'll see how kinda flex his body is. But not the bodybuilder type. Just picture KJ Apa's body and you'll know what I mean.

"Oh Hi!" I said. Pretending to be an enthusiast.

"Hey! That car is pretty old." He said.

"Thanks, I guess?"

We drive silently because I don't want to engage with a conversation yet. He has a big backpack and I think that was his clothes. He is ready. I pulled over to our parking lot and we went off the car.

"Nice house." He said.

"Thanks." I open the door for him.

"I can open the door for myself, okay?"

We sat down on the couch and he greeted everyone good evening. Mom is finishing the meal. Chloe is helping dad to make the table for us.

"They all look so busy huh?" He asks, giggling.

"Uhm, uh... You know, I am highly introverted. So it is a big deal here when I invited over friend." I said.

"I actually never notice you in school, until you hang out with Rafael." He opens up.

"I know. I was very silent."

"How do you guys meet?" He asks me. Should I say to him? Alright.

"We met in the library. Because there is this very crowded and noisy type of high school lunchtime and I hate it. So I went there, he approaches me then we talk a little. He is also next to my locker." I explained a lot of details.

"That's nice." He just said. This is what I hate in extroverted people they tend to lose interest and they show them like they really don't care. So much hate.

My mom called us for a meal and we all ate. My mom and dad are intrigued by him. Like how they saw Rafael for the first time. Then after, we went upstairs to my bedroom so that we can start the project.

Later on, when we are all tired, he said he wanna have a shower then I let him be. I started to make his bed for him. I just put the comforter on the floor, put two pillows and a blanket if he wanted.

He came out in just shorts. He doesn't have any underwear. Because he is obviously bulging. Why do men loves to be naked? Well, I don't.

"I fixed your bed. There is a blanket in it if you want."

"Thank you."

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