Chapter 5

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A thousand dollars and two hours later, I'm sitting in the waiting room of the doctors office. One last check up.

I get called in and they do a regular physical. Then a nurse takes me in to do a scan on my brain to check for damage. I change into the hospital gown and listen to the machines work their magic. I let my thoughts take control of me and block out what is supposed to be a fifteen minute scan.

I think about those cheesy counselors at the school. They've shown me around to the point to where I think I can get to my classes on my own. But the crazy and abusive man I'm supposed to call my father has asked them to help and unless I feel the need to see that gun again, I'll just do as he says. 

My eyes start to get heavy and I struggle to keep myself awake. And with the thought of sleep comes the thought of Addison. And this brings me to the dream I had of her during my cat nap in the car after the mall. Why can't this girl get out and stay out of my head? She has no importance to me besides that fact that I'm going to the school that she attended before her disappearence. I didn't know her, never have, and doubtfully will based on the pace of the investigation of her disappearence

My thoughts come to a hault when the doctor tells me we're all done here and lets me change. I meet my dad back in the waiting room and bring him to the screening room like the doctor asked. "How are you feeling, Sport?" He asks as we make our way over there.

"Am I supposed to feel something? I mean, I don't really know. Normal. If recovering from brain damage is normal." I sigh and look at the diagrams and posters in the room as we enter. I sit on the examination table and my dad sits next to the doctor.

"So, Mailee, looks like you're condition has improved based on what the hospital records that were sent from Florida show. Your brain is healed for the most part. But your long-term memory is still impaired. There's no telling on how long it will take for you to gain it back, but you will eventually. As for your father," The doctor turns to my dad, "I suggest that you show her things that might trigger her memory. Old photos, family valuables and maybe reuniting her with her friends."

My dad stiffens a little when he hears these suggestions. And for half a second I see a flash of worry consume his face. He clears his throat, "Um, since we've moved here, most of those things have been lost. Anything else you can advise me to do?"

"No sir, you need to show her those things to trigger her memory. Let her back on her social media sites if anything. Now, may I speak with her alone? I want to fill her in on the circumstances concerning the move on her own." My dad nods, pats my shoulder and leaves.

Once the door is closed, the doctor speaks. "Mailee, what I'm going to tell you next will become a big shock to you and I want you to trust me."

"Okay?" I say with a shaky voice.

"Back in Florida, you discussed with your doctor some dreams you had. And they were all connected to the missing girl, Addison, here in Colorado?" He said as he closed my file and took a breath.

"Yes. Did you figure out why I was having those dreams?" My heart quickenes and my eyes refuse to blink. I've been wanting to know this forever so I could get rid of the dreams.

"Yes. Mailee. And it's-" The doctor is cut off by racket in the hall and waiting area.

I hear my dad yelling for me. I also hear the yelling of police. "Are you Ryan Zands?" one police officer yells. "Yes." My father says. "You are under arrest for the disappearence of Addison Zands. I am going to read you your rights."

"Whats going on?!" I scream with tears running down my face. I hop off the table and race to the door, only to have the doctor block it. "That's not my dad's last name! My dad didn't take her! Otherwise I'd know!" I try to run for the door again but the doctor sits me down and sighs.

"Your name isn't Mailee Jay, you're Addison Zands."

Is this a joke? Haha you guys got me! Where are the cameras? "That's impossible!" I yell, but once I look into the doctor's eyes, I see how serious he is and I calm down. "How?" I say, my voice a whimper.

"That is for the investigators and your mother to tell you. I can only tell you that the woman your father was with confronted police about what he had told her. So we were asked by police to test your DNA during your physical to truely determine your identity. Your DNA matches Addison's. Therefore, you are Addison Zands." 

I'm at a loss for words and the only thing my body can manage is tears. I cry as the doctor puts an arm around me to calm me. But I'm not only crying in shock, but I'm thankful that I'm away from that man and I'm happy that I will be back with my family and I might get to remember things. "So.. So how does this connect to the dreams?" I manage to say inbetween sobs.

"That was your memory coming back. You're a tough cookie. To remember something that quick after brain damage is remarkable." He nudges me and smiles while I let out a giggle.

An officer enters the room and smiles. "Miss, may I call you Addison?"

"I guess." I mutter.

"Addison, my name is Officer McComez. I'm an investigator on your case. Would you come with me and answer some questions? Then we will reunite you with your family."

"Yes. I have a few things to say." I stand up and thank the doctor for everything, I follow Officer McComez as he guides me into the waiting room and stops. 

"There are some reporters outside. Keep your head down and we will keep you safe and unseen." I nod and follow. Once we step out I put my head down and let the officers create a barrier around me. I see the flashes of cameras and hear the shouts of reporters.

"Is this connected to the Addison Zands case?"

"Why and who was that man arrested?"

"Who are you hiding?"

Officer McComez stops and guides me into an SUV with dark, tinted windows. He turns to the reporters and says, "I'm not giving out any information as of right now. We will release information as soon as it's approved by the people involoved. But for now we ask that you respect us and the people involved and give everyone their privacy. Thank you." He spins on his heal, walks around the car and gets into the drivers seat. The reporters are still trying to yell and get his attention. But he just drives away with me and two other policeman in the vehicle.

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