Chapter 12

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Aiden's POV

"Shut up! That did NOT happen!!" Addison yells as she turns pink. "I didn't trip over that railing, I was pushed." She says with a completely serious face.

"Another memory regained. Great job, that makes four. Now recap and list them all." I say while shoving a handful of popcorn in my mouth as I write in my notebook. When she doesn't answer, I glance up at her. She's staring down at her phone with wide eyes. "Addison?" I ask as her bright blue eyes look up at me. "Tell me." I say in a stern voice.

"Uhm, it's Janna. She's having the baby." She says with a confused look on her face. She bites on her bottom lip as she starts to stand up. "I'm going to the hospital."

"Addison! You can't. The reporters are out there. They'll mob you." I say as I grab her hand to stop her from going to the front door. I feel a tingle from her touch. I stare down at where our skin touches and hope she feels it too. I shake out of my thoughts when she pulls away.

"Let them mob me then. I can't be locked up in a house forever. It's not like I'm going to say anything to them." She truns toward the front door, putting her phone in her back pocket.

"How do you even know she's really having the baby?" I shout, trying to get her to stay, trying to keep her safer than I did before.

"Because, Aiden, I still talk to her."

"What? Why? She helped with your abduction!" I pace toward her, trying to block the door before she darts out.

"She saved me, Aiden!" She snaps. "If it weren't for Janna going to the cops, I would still be with that excuse for a father and I would be getting hit and abused and then bribed to not mention it again. If it weren't for her, I would be living a fake life and slowly learning the truth on my own. So yes, I am going. I am going because she saved me. I'm going because my mom approves of my contact with her. In fact, my mom is greatful for her. I'm going because that is my half-sibling she is giving birth to."

I stand in shock. I didn't know any of that happened. I stand there, frozen, jaw dropped. Addison pulls her hood over her head and attempts to push past me. I move and block her once again.

"How are you getting there? Do you remember where the hospital is?" I raise an eyebrow in a challenge, still holding onto the hope that she won't go.

"I will figure it out. And I have a phone with GPS." She shrugs her shoulders and avoids eye contact with me.

"At least let me drive you, just so I know you're safe."

She huffs her breath and sighs. "Fine. But it's not a good idea for you to stay." I open the door and lead her to the car, both of our heads down, hoping to go unnoticed by the news reporters.


Addison's POV

"Don't follow me. It's best you don't. I'll let you know if I need anything." I say before jumping out of the car, not giving Aiden a chance to speak. I walk into the hospital doors with my head down, hood up. Hoping no one will recognize me. As I turn to look out the door, I see Aiden pulling out. I sigh in releif as I reach the reception desk.

"Um, hi." I whisper. "I'm here to visit my... friend. She's having a baby." I say with my head down.

"Name." The receptionist demands.

"Janna. I don't know her last name. It might be-" I pause, holding back the lump in my throat as I choke out my fake last name. "Jay. Either that or Zands." I sigh as the receptionist pauses.

"Zands or Jay? As in related to the girl who got kidnapped?" She stares up at me with her brown eyes.

I sigh, "Yep. That girl is me. But please, please, please don't tell anyone or make a scene. Just tell me where she is." I beg as a tear slides down my cheek. She nods.

"Okay. Your secret is safe with me. Room 204. Go right down this hall then turn right again. Good luck, hon." She says with a wink.

I race down the hall and stand outside her door. I slowly walk in to see Janna looking down in her arms, at the precious baby she held. "Addison," she whispers, "meet Hadley." She looks up at me and smiles. I walk to the bedside and look into the little girl's eyes. "Go ahead, hold her." She passes her off to me and I cradle her.

I smile, "Hi Hadley. I'm your big sister. You have another sister too, and a brother. They're in school. But I know they can't wait to meet you. Now your daddy," I look at Janna, wondering if I should continue. She was already passed out. "Your daddy won't hurt you like he hurt me and your mommy. I won't let it happen. I promise. And my mommy, she will love you too."

Hadley's deep, dark blue eyes look at me. They wonder the features of my face. I stick my tongue out at her and she smiles. I smile back as I lean down to kiss her forehead. "I love you, Hadley." I say as I start rocking her in my arms. After ten minutes, my mom and the kids walk in. I find a way to put a finger to my lips. "Shhhh."

My mom smiles and looks down at the little person in my arms. She smiles as Emma and Mathew stand on their tip-toes to see. I bend down a little bit so they can see her. "Who is this?" Matt asks while Em slaps his arm with a shocked look. "It's our sister!" Emma hisses.

"How is she our sister if she isn't mommy's?" Mathew looks up at me for an answer.

"Because Ryan is her dad. But Ryan won't be here for her, so we are going to help Janna with her." My mom nods at my answer in approval. I smile down at them as they look at her.

"Can I hold her?" Emma asks.

"If you sit in that chair." Emma runs over to the chair and settles herself to hold the baby. I pass her off and adjust her arms around Hadley's body properly. I sit in the chair next to her as my mom and Mathew go get food for Janna to wake up to.

"Will Ryan do anything to the rest of us?" My innocent sister asks.

"No, honey. He's going away for a long time. And I won't let it happen. I love you guys too much." I say as I kiss her forehead with little memories coming back. Janna wakes up and smiles at the sight of Emma playing big sister.

"What's her name?" Em asks looking over to Janna. Janna smiles and sits up.

"Her full name is Hadley Ana Zands." Janna looks me in the eyes with a smile as tears come to me.

I hear my mom walk in and look to see she had a smile on her face. She's speechless.

"Lets call her Haz." Emma says out of the blue.

"Where did you get that from, Emma?" Janna asks.

"Her initials. H. A. Z. Haz." Emma looks at Hadley with a gleam of love in her eye.

"I like it." Janna says.

"Lets stop being emotional." Mathew complains and digs into his burger. Emma passes Hadley to me and helps pass out the rest of the food. "Aunt Janna, you gotta eat." Mathew says, passing her a container with salad. "You too, Addison."

I set the chicken nuggets on the side table and sigh. "I'll wait until Janna is done so she can eat." I steal Hadley back from Emma and she starts devouring her food. My mom awkwardly sits down and stares at her feet. 

"Can we clear the air?" Janna says, making eye contact with my mom. "I just don't want hard feeling is all." She gives a half smile before setting her fork down.

"Sounds good to me." My mom finally gives a sincere smile and the tension is lifted from the room.

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