Chapter 11

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Addison's POV

I wake up crying and screaming at the realization of the event I just remembered. My hands are trembling and I'm all sweaty. I throw my blankets off me and run downstairs to the front door. Tears are still spilling out of my eyes and I trip as I run across the yard to Aiden's. I peek up at his window and see his light is still on.

I throw some pebbles at his window until he looks out. He sees me and holds up a finger telling me to wait a minute. I turn toward the street and wipe the tears from my face. I bite my lip and think about how I am going to tell him. I try to figure out what words to say without making my voice shake as I breath in the much needed fresh air.

I feel his hands on my shoulders and he turns me to face him. "Addison, what's going on?" he asks, looking me straight in the eyes. I see the concern and love in his eyes. How can I barely remember those eyes? I sigh to hide a sob and let words flood the empty air. 

"I just remembered something terrible and I can't tell my mom because she's asleep and going back to work tomorrow and I-" My eyes fill with tears again and I just fall into his arms. "I have to let her and my siblings get back to their lives and make them stop worrying." I try to speak more but I can't. The words can't find their way around the big lump in my throat, and every time I open my mouth to speak, more sobs come.

Aiden holds me and rubs my back. "Lets go sit down." I nod and he leads me to his porch swing. "Breath." he says. We sit in silence for a minute, allowing me to calm down. I try to piece together what to say, only to come to the conclusoin to just say it as it is.

I take a deep breath and wait a minute for the lump in my throat to subside. "Aiden, my... kidnapper raped me." As soon as the words are out, more tears attack my face and the lump in my throat returns. His face is in shock as he pulls me into a hug. He holds me as I sob,  letting me get it out of my system.

Aiden's POV

After I've walked Addison back to her house and made her promise to tell her mom about her memory immediately, I finally make it into bed. I lay there and think about the situation. About how many more bad memories there might be burried in her mind. It's only a matter of time before she reaches and uncovers them all, and I have to be there for her. She came to me first, so I'm the first one she will tell anything to.

My phone vibrates and takes me from my thoughts.

~I told her. All is good, for now I guess. Thanks Aiden. -Addison~

~Anytime. Literally, considering it's three in the morning. -Aiden~

~Lol. Still, thanks. -Addison~

~No problem. Got your phone now? -Aiden~

~Yeah. Since my mom's going back to work and anything can pop up with the whole situation at anytime, she thought I should have it. She was going to give it to me in the morning, but we were already up. Plus, I wanted to thank you. ;) -Addison~

~Like I said, anytime. Don't forget that. -Aiden~

~Forget what?! -Addison~

~Haha. Very funny. -Aiden~

~It's hilarious. -Addison~

~Totally. :p -Aiden~

~Anyways, all that crying made me tired. I'm going to sleep soon. -Addison~

~Yeah. All that drying tears off my shoulder was a lot of work. I'm exhausted now. -Aiden~

~Hey! Anyone would kill to be my shoulder to cry on. -Addison~

~I know. That's why I'm so lucky to have you back, Addison. Now go to sleep. Goodnight. -Aiden~

~Night. -Addison~

I walk over to my desk and plug my phone in. I wrap myself in my blankets and pass out with Addison roaming my mind.


I wake up around two in the afternoon. There's nothing better to do on a Sunday anyways and not to mention I was up until past three in the morning. So it was much needed rest. I finally sit up and see the stack of homework on my desk.

Great, this will be fun. I sigh and grab my To Kill A Mockingbird book from English class and decide I'll read it while I eat. As I walk down the stairs, I hear muffled voices from outside. I peek out of the peek hole in the door and see news reporters all over the lawn between my house and Addison's house. 

I roll my eyes as I pull my phone out of my pocket and start calling Addison.

Addison's POV

I hear some ringing and decide to ignore it because I figure it's from one of the reporters outside. I continue flipping through channels until I hear vibrating on the table. I'm dumbfounded when I realize that it was my own phone. At the last minute, I answer it.


"Hey, Addison. Have you decided which reporter is most likely to be your new stalker after the trial?" I laugh at Aiden's comment and walk to the window. 

"Ummm... The tall, scrawny one in blue looks like a creep. So maybe him?" I walk out of view before the reporters notice me.

"Agreed. Can't you guys get some cops to make these people leave you guys alone? Seriously, it's getting ridiculous." I hear him sigh over the phone.

"Agreed. I'll talk to my mom about it."

"Okay. Good. What are you doing today?" He asks with hope in his voice.

"Hiding from reporters. You?" I ask, walking back into the living room.

"Homework. Just English and Algebra though. You should come help me."

"Yeah, let me just walk on through this mob of reporters that are dying to get a glimpse of me. Plus, I can't help you. I don't remember much of school yet."

"Uhm, do you know how to read?" Aiden questions.


"There you go, you can help. Just jump the fence. I'll meet you at the fence and help you." Before I can say another word, the line goes dead. I text my mom telling her I'll be next door and make my way to the backyard to jump a fence.

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