Chapter 6

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Addison/Mailee's POV

The officers all awkwardly sit in the car and stare out the windows. I can tell that they want to talk, but I guess they don't know what to say. I don't blame them. I've been mainly speechless since I founnd out I am not who I thought I was. When I thought the brain damage was terrible, I never could've imagined this. I'm that girl the whole country has been talking about, and as far as I know, people on the other side of the country know more than I know about myslef. Looks like I need a new wrist band to remind me of my name.

I still don't get it. As Addison, I had brown hair and blue eyes. The Mailee side of me is blonde with hazel eyes. I finally decide to break the silence. "How can I look so different?" When I ask, the two officers look shocked to hear my voice. 

Once speaks up, "They dyed your hair and I bet you have colored contacts in. May I?" He guestures to my eye.

"No poking my eye but you can look for contacts." He nods and I widen my eyes and look straight into his. He has sunglasses on, so I basically look at my reflection.

"Yep. Contacts. You know how to take them out?" He smiles.

"I can try. But if I jab myself in the eye, no laughing." The cop in the front passenger seat pulls his visor dow and adjusts it so I can see while the other pulls out a ziploc bag for me to put the lenses in. I tap the center of my eye with the pad of my finger and slowly pull the lens out of my eye. It kinda looks cool. I do the same to the other. And for the first time I look into my real eyes in the mirror. I never would've thought eyes can be that icy blue. They're so pretty. But I don't stare for long and put the lenses in the bag.

"So Addison," Officer McComez says, "are you ready to talk? We're almost to the station."

"Yeah I guess. How long will it be?" I can't wait to meet.... see my family again.

"As long as you can handle." He looks at me through the mirror then pull in. Low and behold, there's reporters there too! "Same plan Addison. Let us get out first though." I nod and they exit. The officers in the car with me come to my door and have me wait until more show up to help. Once there are 5 more, I exit and let them hide me from the cameras. We move fast and get inside where I am immediately moved into an interrogation room with Officer McComez.

"Okay, Addison, we've already met. But this is my partner, Investigator Janice Lohnder." He guesters to the woman sitting across from me. "Don't be nervous, we are just building a case against your kidnapper. What is the first thing you remember?"

I heave a deep sigh and recall my experience in the hospital in Florida. The nurses and needles and restraints. "Once I was released, I was told we were coming here. But we had to stay in a hotel until I could board a plane." I tell about my lonely days with only tv. "Then one day he came back."

"Who came back?" the woman asked.

"My... Kidnapper. and he said we could leave. He made me take meds and pack." I feel my face get hot and tears invading my eyes. "When I questioned him, he hit me." One tear down my cheek. "I ran to the bathroom as he tried to get me out. Then when I opened the door," two tears, "He pulled a gun on me and threatened me." A stream of tears. "Can we stop for today?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"Yes," Officer McComez said, "We'll call your mom and explain it to her. But in the meantime, tell Mrs. Lohnder as much as you can so we can get out case together sooner. Stay strong." I nod and he exits.

"Addison," she places her hand on mine to calm me, "What happened after you got to his new place?"

I manage to tell her the rest of what has happened within the last 24 hours. I take a deep breath and the tears stop. "Who is he really?" I ask.

"He.. He is your real father. But we are figuring out why he did this. It will be okay, Addison. You're a tough and strong girl. Once you feel better, we'll tell you the rest of what we know okay?"

I nod and we stand up to exit. I walk out of the room and Officer McComez approaches us. "You're mother and siblings are here. Would you like to see them?"

"Of course." I say and follow him. I am led into another room with a woman and two children waiting. The kids run up to me and hug me.

"Addi! We missed you! Never leave us again!" I can tell that they were too young to understand. So I returned their hugs and promised not to leave. I recognized them from my dreams, same with my mom.

She has her hands over her mouth and tears streaming down her face. "My baby." she whipers and hugs me. "My baby is safe." All of a sudden, my memory is flooded. My childhood is clear. I was a happy little girl with my two little siblings and parents. I remember my birthdays and grandparents. I remember my family.

"Mom." I cry amd hug her. "I don't remember much, but I remember our family. When it was happy. I remember!" Smiles come to our faces and we just sit in our group hug for what seemed like forever.

"Umm. Sorry to interrupt. But Mrs. Zands, you must speak with the doctor and I bet you guys would like to go home." Mr. McComez says. Home. The only thing I've been dreaming of for the past six months. Home.

"Sounds good." My mom says as we follow him out. Once again we are protected by a wall of officers from the reporters into a dark SUV. We go home and the doctor is there to speak with my mom.

"Come on Addi! I know you don't remember much but I want to show you around." Emma says. I remember her name. Thank God for those dreams!

"Okay, Emma. Where's my room?" She smiles at the mention of her name. She grabs my hand and takes me up the stairs and through the hall. She pulls me into a teal room. Emma points to the ceiling and I see song lyrics painted on it. I walk a few steps deeper into the room and walk around the queen sized bed. I take in all of the pictures of me and I'm assuming my friends on the walls and all the tickets from movies and concerts on the bulletin board above the desk. I recognize it, but I can't recall the people in the pictures. "Who are they?" I ask Emma, pointing to a picture of me and four other girls.

"Those are your best friends. Brooke, Kieley, Amber, and Danielle. They will be happy to see you!" I take in their faces and imagine how terrible they have felt. Not in a selfish way, but knowing someone you love is gone has to be hard. "Do you know him?" I giggle as Emma shows me a picture of me and a guy. 

"I'm assuming my boyfriend?"

"Yep! That's Aiden. He has really missed you. He said he felt guilty." She frowns and covers her mouth as if she wasn't supposed to say that.

"Just tell me Emma."

"I'll let mom explain. And speaking of her, I just heard her call for us. Come on! I'll race you!" She smiled and took off down the stairs.

"I'm commin'!" I yell after her. At the bottom of the stairs is... Mathew and my mom. The door shuts behind the doctor who let himself out. Emma goes on a speed-talking rampage telling mom what she's helped me with so far.

"Good job Em." My mom says and smiles. "I'm sure it helped your sister. Now lets let her get some rest and we'll talk more in the morning." My mom smiles and takes me back upstairs to bed. I guess I lost track of time with all this chaos. 

Once my mom beleives I'm okay to be on my own, she bids me good night and I squirm my way into bed. I replay today's events and just think about what's going to happen now. Okay, so school, probably not for a while. Trial, don't even want to think about. I wonder what's in the news anout this. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. But in the meantime, I have to get used to a new bed yet again.

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