Chapter 14

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His name was Derrick. He was a father of three young girls. One is three and her name is Lily, the other is six and her name is Brea and the oldest is ten and her name is Mads. He worked full time as a waitor at a local restaurant and his wife is a stay at home mom. Well, was a stay at home mom. Now she is the only one to support the three beautiful daughters she has. The three wonderful girls that live down the street. That I used to babysit.

 I get up from my knees infront of his grave. I bend over to fix the flowers I've placed there as one more tear, the last one I'll allow, falls from my face. After an hour of playing back everything I was told that I forgot, I turn to leave. I walk with my head down until I bump into someone. "Oh, sorry." I say with my head down.

"No, I am. I wasn't paying attention." A deep voice says. I look up and see a guy about my age or a little older rubbing his eyes. He had dark, short hair and broad shoulders. He finally looked up at me, his eyes puffy and red. But behind the bloodshot eyes, there were golden brown ones. I wipe my last tear off of my face. "I'm Jace." He extended his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Addison." I say, shaking his hand. We both look around at all the gravestones. "This place is too sad." I sigh.

"Yeah. I came to see my step brother." He guestures to a headstone and shrugs. 

"I'm sorry for your loss." I say. 

"What about you?" He asks as if he's desperate to know me, and I honestly wanted to know him. We both have lost someone, we're both here, crying. Mourning.

"It's a long story. Are you up for it?"

"If you are." I nod my head and he links his arm with mine, guiding me to a near by bench. I tell him eveything. From the stalking, to the kidnapping, all they way to Jackson. "Well, I'm sorry for your loss, but," a grin starts to form on Jace's face, "I thought I recognized you!" He points and laughs with me. "Lets stop being sad and mopy. Wanna go to get some coffee with me?"

"Sounds like a date." I say, somewhat questioningly.

"Is that a problem? You have a boyfriend?"

Shit, Aiden. Fuck it. It's not like he's really treating me like his girlfriend anyways. "No problem. I'm down." I link my arm through his and walk with him to the coffee shop. Once inside, I finally warm up. I guess I never realized how cold I actually was. We both order, get our drinks and sit at a table by the window.

"You never really answered my question." Jace wrigles his eyebrows. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

I sigh, not wanting to answer, but knowing I should. "I guess. Well, he was my boyfriend before I was kidnapped and he was cool and sweet the first few weeks I was back, but now he seems to be dewlling in the past. He only talks about the things we used to do, only tries to make me remember, and he's been distant I guees." I shrug and take a sip of my coffee. 

"Hmm. I don't know what to say. Have you done anything about it?"

"No, I just go along with every pity party he throws. But enough about me. What's your story?" My gaze locks with his as he sighs. "I don't mean to be pushy. You don't have to tell me."

"Shut up, I'll tell you." He says with a smile. "My mom and step-brother were in a crash. Xavior, my step-brother, died on impact. My mom is in a coma as we speak. My dad left us when I was young, so my step-dad is all I have right now. He moved us here for better medical care and to be closer to Xavior so we could visit. He's been a lot stronger than I have with all of this. He's the dad I never had." He smiles down at his hands on the table.

"I'm so sorry." I say.

"Don't pity me. I'm like you, hate pity. But hey, if it's not okay then it's not over. So it's not over yet."


I close the door to Jace's car as he rolls the window down. "Thanks, again, Jace. I had a great time. Thanks for listening."

"Anytime. Hey, before I forget, give me your phone." I extends his hand out and I plop my phone into it. "Unlock it, Addison."

"Why?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Gasp! Addison! We've just met and went to coffee and you don't trust me! I was only going to look for your nudes!" 

"You weirdo. What are you going to do?"

"Just put my number in there because I kinda like you and want to meet up with you again." He shrugs and passes my phone back to me and I unlock it. My cheeks are bright red and I attempt to hide it. "There. Text me." He winks and backs out of my driveway after returning my phone to me. I make my way to the front door, but before I can get into my house, Aiden stops me.

"Who was that?" He looks enraged with me, but honestly, I don't care. And here starts the ticking of my bomb of anger.

"A new guy. His name is Jace and I met him in the cemetery." I nod. Tick.

"What the hell were you doing with him?"  Tick.

"Talking and getting coffee. He actually understands how I feel about Jackson and it felt great to talk to someone who understands." I shrug like it was nothing, but it was definitely something. Jace listened, and understood and connected with me without having to recall memories. Tick.

"What it looked like was flirt central." Adien mumbles. Tick.

"What the hell is your issue, Aiden? You have to know where I am every second of the damn day, every fucking day of the week. We don't connect like I remember we used to and you've been a total jerk! So yes, I met someone who understands and had coffee with him. He's new and needed a friend." Boom!

"Well I'm sorry for being worried about my girlfriend!"

"I don't even feel like your girlfriend, Aiden! It's like you're stuck in the past and get get the fact that I am not the girl I was before! Stop questioning me and pitying me. I'm done with it!" I turn to walk into the house, but Aiden stops me by grabbing my wrist.

"Please don't do this." I see his eyes watering.

"Bye, Aiden. And by the way, Jace knew about you. I told him at coffee. So there's no reason for you to be over protective of me. I can take care of myself. We're done." I whip my arm from his grasp and slam the front door in his face.


~Hey, it's Addison. -Addison~

~Oh, hey! What's up? -Jace~

~Just dumped Aiden... -Addison~

~Awe, I'm sorry. Does that mean I can take you out sometime? Maybe cheer you up? -Jace~

~When is this sometime you speak of? -Addison~

~In an hour? -Jace~

~Sure! -Addison~

~Bring a swim suit. -Jace~

~Woah dude, moving in for the kill pretty soon there. Lol. -Jace~

~I wasn't thinking of it like that but whatever you say. ;) -Jace~

~Lol okay. See you in an hour. -Addison~

~Can't wait. -Jace~

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