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I shake myself off the shock and slowly make my way home.

An apartment which I was sharing with two sisters- Alison and Amelia, both of them gorgeous, blonde, intelligent and as tight as a knot. Both of them were professional dancers so weren't home most of the times because of either practice or shows. But they were really nice people, treating me like a sister all the time, very caring. They always invited me to the parties they attended but me being me always refused. Wouldn't want to be the only loner there lol.

I entered the apartment to see Alison lying on the sofa watching TV.

She turned to look at me and smiled, "Hey kiddo, how was school? And why do you look as if you have seen a ghost? You okay?"

I smile back," Hey Ally. Yeah I'm good, just tired. How was practice?"

"Practice was same. Are you hungry? I think there's a chicken sandwich which Amy left for you."

My face lights up at the mention of food. I throw my bag on the chair, run to the kitchen, grab the sandwich and come back to Ally on the sofa.

"On that note where's Amy?" I say while devouring the delicious sandwich like there's no tomorrow.

"Ugh, don't speak with your mouth full Lana. It's gross. And Amy's on a date. It's her one year anniversary with Matt."

If you didn't already guess, Matt is Amy's boyfriend. He's also a dancer in their group. He's really nice. A real gentleman and a brother figure to me. Though I really like him because he always brings candies for me whenever he comes over.

Just to tease Ally I bring my full mouth near her and open it wide, "Wahahahahaha whom whom whom whom. Imma eat everything. Bwahahahaha"

"Eww Lana, stay away and stop being so gross."

"Okay mommy." I salute, still laughing.

"So how was school? Are you having fun?"

Okay did I  mention before that I'm studying Psychology. No? Oh okay now you know then. And I am loving it. Till now atleast.

"Yeah it was fun. The teachers are turning out to be really cool. And the college is sooo huge, I haven't even been able to memorise it still now and get lost now and then. And there's this really pretty place named the woods where couples go to make out but beside that is a small lake and a bench near it. It's so calming to just sit there alone facing the lake . I think I  will make it my spot. But it would have been better if the bench could be hidden in the woods. The only problem is it can be seen from the football field. Not that anyone notices me but still I get conscious sometimes."

Ally listens patiently to my rant, a small smile on her face. "So any friends, boyfriends, crushes I should be worried about?"

I instantly choke on my sandwich on hearing that. After a coughing fit and some water, I reply blushing," W-why would you even think that. Y-you know I'm a loner."

"I didn't think anything Lana. I was just teasing with the question.",she laughs. "But after this kind of reaction I'm sure there's something juicy. Come on tell me."

I look at the wide eyed 22 year old woman and sigh.

Unconsciously and unfortunately my face becomes red even before I even start the story.

"Umm, there's actually this guy-"

Ally squeals like a five year cutting me off, " I knew it", she first pumps and continues, "Little Lana has got herself a boyfriend."

And it was my turn to get wide eyed.

I stare at Ally in horror as she was jumping in front of me singing, "Lana has a boyfriend, Lana has a boyfriend."

"OMG! Ally calm down. It's not what you think. I DO NOT have a boyfriend. Will you let me complete please?"

Ally looks at me curiously and sits down again.

"I don't have a boyfriend. And I repeat, I don't have a boyfriend. Heck I don't even have any friends. There's just this guy Luke, who wants to be my friend but I'm kind of trying to avoid him and I don't really think it's going well."

"Oh" , Ally thinks for a moment, "Why do you want to avoid him if he wants to be a friend?"

" I don't want friends Ally" , I whine, "But then he's so persistent that I don't know what to do. Also it doesn't really help that he's so hot and then he'll come so close and get me so flustered Oh My God, this is too much for my little brain. And then-"

"Oooh Lana so he's hot?", Ally smirks.

"Is this the only thing you got from my rant?", I breathe out totally frustrated at her lack of concentration.

"Ya and that he totally likes you. And you're playing hard to get."

"Oh my God Ally! You are impossible. I'm not having this conversation with you. I'm going to my room to study. Goodnight."

I get up from the sofa with an exaggerated sigh and go towards my room stomping my foot in the process. Alison laughs at my childish behaviour.

As I'm about to enter my room she calls me and says," And Lana?" I turn around and she smiles, "Don't stress it. If you really don't want to talk to this guy just don't. But if you do then don't stop yourself. It'll all be fine. Now goodnight. "

"You sure?"

She nods her head assuring me.

"How are you so sure anyway?"

"Just because..." , she shrugs and turns towards the TV again.

Author's note:
Hey guys,
Hope all of you are doing well.
Also I hope you are enjoying my story.
*Fingers crossed. *
*Laughs nervously*
Okay do remember to give any feedback you feel like.
Also presenting Lucy Hale as Milana.
Thanks a lot.
P.S.- Do follow me to stay up to date with the book

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