Chapter 1

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America's house was, for once clean. England would have probably been proud. The entire house was spotless. The kitchen was fully stocked, with fresh coffee in the pot. In the basement, the 6 guest rooms reserved for the regions of the U.S. were cleaned. The labels, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, Rockies, and Pacific were placed above the door. Alfred had learned his lesson quick not to let his states pick their rooms. Invariably they managed to make it a fight about who was better, or who was more able, or something equally stupid.

That week would be the state's meeting. Each region picked a state to represent the entire area, to save space, and time. 50 people who are all different trying to reach a common goal while being hella irritating isn't a very productive model. In any case, 6 states, each representing the 6 regions of the US would be at Alfred's house for a week. The living room had been converted into a conference room. This was accomplished by removing all important or expensive things that weren't necessary and putting them in America's storage room.

"Alfred, you gotta wake up. Don't you have a meeting this week, with the G8 or somethin'?"

"Yes..." groaned Alfred, "Don't remind me Confederacy."

"Eh, I don't care. Breakfast is ready, and so's coffee." snarked Confederacy 

Breakfast was a simple affair, hash-browns, toast with avocados, and coffee. Just as Alfred and Confederacy finished, the door swung open. Massachusetts and Colorado walked in, both carrying suitcases. Massachusetts was wearing a loose cream shirt with her seal on it, and leggings with a knee length skirt the color of pink mayflowers. Her fire red hair was kept long, and was often in a braid down her back. Alfred often commented that her hair matched her temper. Colorado was completely different from her sister. She had short spiky blond hair under a blue beanie. She was wearing a loose white boho chic shirt with blue flowers embroidered on the front, and baggy sweat pants. She was relaxed and didn't particularly care for conflict most of the time, though she was known for supporting her opinions to the very end, come what may.

"Hi Mass, Colorado." smiled Alfred, "Trip treat you well? The rooms downstairs are clean, so you set up however you want."

"Thanks Dad," called Massachusetts, sliding down the banister to the basement. She wanted to get to the meeting early, because once everyone else arrived it would be chaos. Making her way to the door labeled as 'Northeast' she began to fix up the room to her standards. Her flag was hung on the door, so the states coming in would know she was there. 

Upstairs Colorado was chatting with Alfred and Confederacy. She had quite a lot of gossip, but didn't particularly care for blackmail and usually just kept it to herself. The other reason was to stay out of Mass's way as she unpacked.

"Once Mass comes back upstairs I'll go unpack, but just be warned, Oregon said that Cal got picked for the Pacific, and I heard rumor that Texas is coming. This meeting's going to be chaos. I'm pretty sure that Illinois bribed his way to going, probably to catch up with Kentucky. That's all who's coming to this meeting. And--" 

"Colorado, I'm sure that's all incredibly important," drawled Confederacy, "but Mass just got back upstairs, so you probably want to unpack before everyone else arrives. And Alfie has a G8 meeting today to. HE NEEDS TO GET GOING!" Alfred jumped at the last statement, having hoped for a second breakfast.

"Aw, c'mon South, it's not like we get anything done, and I have to explain the rules, and.." Alfred began to complain, but was cut off by the door banging open. Kentucky stood there, out of breath, with a bottle of bourbon in one hand and a bottle of moonshine in the other. He was wearing a red flannel with overalls over top, and a suit jacket. Illinois ran up behind him, and shoving him out of the way, walked in with a very dignified manner. He was the only one actually wearing a suit, it was a black pinstripe, and he was probably the only one able to pull off the look, though New York gave a close second. He wore his auburn hair slicked back, with a fedora perched on top. According to some, mostly himself, he epitomized the 'cool gangster' look.

Colorado, Illinois, and Kentucky all set their things in their respective rooms, placing the state flag on the door, for clarity's sake. Once this was finished all the states already in attendance gathered in the meeting room to wait for the last two states.

California arrived first, wearing blue jeans, a green T-shirt under a red leather jacket, and leather biker's gloves. He rushed down the stairs to unpack, without even a hello. He wasn't late, but he was later than most of the other states there. Granted, he lived all the way across the country, since America's house was just outside of D.C. and he hadn't wanted to come a day early, because Alfred and Confederacy would have made him help clean the house, and honestly, being the most populated state is exhausting at times.

While California was in the basement setting up his room, Texas walked in. He was wearing jeans and a red flannel, with two gun holsters at his hips. He looked like California's twin, the same black hair and tan skin, the only difference that California was a bit more wiry, and Texas was taller.

As California was walking up the stairs to the meeting, Texas began to walk down. As soon as they saw each other everyone froze, you could have heard a pin drop. Alfred and Confederacy stood quickly in an attempt to defuse the situation.

"Cali, how thoroughly unexpected to see you here. Can't say I'm surprised though. You always have wanted to steal the limelight from others."

"Careful now, Tex, those are fighting words, and you know I never give up a fight. I hold my own." snapped California in reply.

"Hey, hey. Guys, you're all here on common purpose. Try not to kill each other before the meeting's even begun." soothed Alfred. As he said this he looked down at his watch. "Shoot, the meeting starts in 15 minutes, and I'm hosting this one. Crap, I've gotta go. Welp, y'all know the rules right? No fighting, no bringing up stupid rivalries, and try not to destroy the house while I'm gone please. Confederacy's in charge. Alright, Bye."

Alfred rushed to gather all the things he would need for the meeting and ran out of his house with a flurry of good byes and loose papers. As soon as Alfred left, Texas drew his guns in an attempt to shoot California. Confederacy noticed, and promptly confiscated all of the states' weapons.

Texas had 4 guns on him, and a lasso. California had two knifes. Kentucky had a gun and a few knifes, Illinois and Massachusetts both had a gun on them. Colorado didn't have any weapons, but she did bring a few joints with her, which were also confiscated.

"Now that we are all gathered, and are slightly less likely to kill each other, let the meeting commence." said Confederacy. "The topic on the table is energy, Massachusetts, you have the floor."

This is my first fan-fiction. I hope I didn't offend you with any of the characters, but if my writing ability did offend you that's fine. I can't write. In any case, thanks for getting this far, and I suppose if you enjoyed it comment or something. Thanks again for reading. Ummm, ye. Bye.

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