Chapter 13

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The drive to Houston went smoothly all things considered. California and Texas were ruffling each other's feathers like they usually do, though in a muted fashion. England had an odd feeling of deja vu as he watched them argue. He didn't really know why, but he got the feeling that neither of them quite meant what they were saying.

They had stopped for a pick-me-up in Victoria at a small family owned diner before continuing on to Houston. As they were leaving the establishment England drew America to the side to talk to him.

"Alfred," he began, "are they always like this?"

"No, actually. Usually, they're worse. A lot worse. They're like, I don't know, diametrically opposed, foes."

England shuddered slightly, imagining the headache that just those two would cause just by existing in his general vicinity for an extended period of time.

"I'm very sorry for you. How on earth do you manage?" He spoke from experience, after all, ruling a quarter of the world is quite the headache.

"A lot of Advil and whiskey. Tylenol also works."

"Dear Lord."

Alfred laughed, "Don't worry old man, I've got it under control. We've lasted this long in any case. Now come on, I'd like to get to Houston before midnight."

When they got back to the car Dixie was sitting shotgun talking with Prussia, calmly ignoring the chaos occurring in the back of the car. As Alfred slid into the driver's side the argument ended quickly.

"What was it this time?" asked Alfred as everyone got settled (Texas was forced onto the ground this time around).

"Nothing" responded California quickly.

"It's not nothing. I just think you ought to practice what you preach. Which is transparency and honesty. Just get it out in the open." interjected Texas.

"And I told you it was none of your business, and why do you care in the first place?" snapped California, starting the argument again.

"I'm a friendly person. It also reflects badly on me."

"So it's all about you then, Texas. Good to know."

"Lord almighty, just take my advice! Suck up you goddamned pride for once and fix it! No one cares!"

"First of all, that's a lie. Secondly, who are you? ¿Mi madre?"

Before Texas could respond and make the disagreement even worse than it was, Dixie interrupted.

"Stop. You can argue on your own time, but we've got guests, so make a good impression. Thank you." turning to England and Prussia, he said, "I do apologize for their behavior. They are young still."

England simply sighed, he was unfortunately used to arguments. His brothers were awful, and this was eerily similar to arguments the Ireland brothers sometimes got into, not to mention all of his arguments with France.

Prussia just laughed, "They're American. I wouldn't expect any less."

~~Time Skip~~

They found a decent cheap motel on the outskirts of Houston and quickly got what they'd need out of the car, which wasn't much. As they settled down to channel surf (Texas wanted football, England wanted BBC, Prussia wanted actual football 'You mean soccer, right?', and Dixie wanted the Food channel for some reason) Alfred took California out into the hallway.

"You're all right, right?" he began.

"I'm fine," smiled Cal, "Really. Texas just wants to make a scene."

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