Chapter 5

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"I suppose introductions are in order then." he began, as he accepted the knife and gun from Colorado.


Before England could even reply Dixie spoke up.

"That one," he said, gesturing to America, "Is Jack, or the damn Yankee. She is a fucking Masshole. He's a FIB. That one's a Hillbilly. And she's, well, she's high. And I'm Dixie."

"Congratulations, you've just insulted everyone. Are you happy?" groaned Alfred. "And my name's not Jack."

England looked shocked, and not just because a young feminine version of Scotland was looking as if she would like nothing less than to kill him an throw out his body. Prussia was slightly less shocked, but he was meeting most of them for the first time. Still he was able to form cohesive sentences.

"Massachusetts! How are you?" smiled Prussia. The redhead turned and smiled at Prussia.

"I'm doing alright General." she smiled, "and you? How are you liking Germany's basement?"

Prussia laughed, "Ah, Mass, you've still got that spunk I remember."

"Alfred!" said England "Who exactly are they? Would you mind explaining?"

Alfred looked up from where he was busy drawing a map of the United States.

"Ah, yes....Ummm. The redhead is Massachusetts, the blonde is Colorado. The dapper looking businessman is Illinois, the one wearing overalls is Kentucky. In the grey we have the fucking rebel, also known as the Confederate States of America, or Dixie, or South. A Masshole is a reference to the fact that people from Massachusetts are typically assholes and can't drive for shit. A FIB is a 'fucking Illinois bastard'. A hillbilly is kinda like a yokel, just a rural person from the south or midwest. And as of now, only me and Massachusetts are Yankees, 'cause the rest aren't from the area." replied Alfred.

England nodded, and Alfred went back to his map. The states sat themselves at the table, and Prussia and England followed suit.

Just as Alfred was going to speak England interrupted him "What exactly is the problem, before you begin?"

Alfred looked at Dixie who stood and took the podium. "California and Texas have been taken by Mexico. We also happened to ruin the house in the process." began Dixie. "We were caught unawares. Mexico managed to knock California out and coerced Texas into tying him up and following. They are probably somewhere in Mexico right now."

Everyone looked to Alfred expectantly. Alfred himself had a thoughtful expression on his face. He turned to the map and then back to the states.

"Alright guys. Here's what's gonna happen. Mass, you call a Council. Illinois, I want you to go and prepare the defenses and alert the necessary people. Kentucky, you're in charge of getting Arizona and New Mexico to a safe place. Colorado, you're gonna find a safe place for them to stay. Preferably up north. Y'all got that?" commanded Alfred.

A chorus of yessirs was heard around the room and the states scattered out of the room.

"The rest of us, we're going to Mexico." smiled Alfred. The smile wasn't his usual though, it was grim and full of a bloody promise. A promise of pain to whoever thought they could hurt his family.

"Aye, aye, Jack!" shouted Dixie.

The illusion of dignity was broken as Alfred jumped Dixie and they began to wrestle on the floor.

"ATTENTION" shouted Prussia.

Suddenly both Alfred and Dixie were standing to attention. Prussia walked past them, like a cat stalking his prey.

"Be quiet, I thought you were trying to organize a rescue operation. This is not how I trained you, Alfred, I expected better."

Alfred looked sheepish.

"Alright. At ease men." sighed Prussia.

"Where in Mexico are they?" asked England suddenly. Everyone looked surprised.

"What? Mexico is rather large. You ought to know where you are going, so you don't lose the element of surprise."

"I don't know where they are. That is a good point." sighed Dixie.

Both Alfred and Dixie looked forlorn. They hadn't quite comprehended the immensity of the task set before them until just then.

"England, you do magic right?" asked Prussia suddenly. At this statement the representatives of the United States looked hopeful.

"Yes. I could make a locating spell. Have you got anything of theirs?" queried England.

At this Alfred perked up. "We can go back to the house. They've got their things there." he cheered. "I'll drive!"

~~Time Skip~~

England looked in shock at the house. The door hung open, and the kitchen and living room looked like a tornado had gone through while they were out. Alfred ran down to the basement and into Texas' room. He grabbed the first thing he could see, a spare pistol. England had cleared a space in the living room while he was downstairs, and was currently drawing a pentagram on the floor.

"Iggy, I've got it!" shouted Alfred

"Bloody git, don't shout!" grumbled England, "here, put it in the middle of the circle."

Alfred did what he was told and stood to the side. England began to chant under his breath. The pentagram glowed green, and England was surrounded by a green glow. Suddenly there was a flash and the gun was transformed into a map.

"There," said England, "this map will lead us to.."

"Texas." supplied Dixie

"Yes, him," continued England, "and when it reaches him it will become what is was before."

"Ohthankgod." sighed Alfred, "he'd'a killed us if we ruined one of his guns."

Prussia looked at the map. It showed a remote region of Mexico, where there appeared to be an old house.

"Well, losers. What are we waiting for? Let's go get them back." he cheered.

Alfred, Prussia, Dixie, and England went out to the car. Alfred slid into the driver's seat, Dixie sat shotgun. England and Prussia sat in the back. Dixie rustled through the glove box and pulled out a CD case. Alfred looked over and laughed.

"I hope you don't mind, but me 'n South'll be doing car karaoke." said Alfred. "The theme this time is 1860's. Dixie's choice."

"Kesesesesese. England, you and I will get a wonderful serenade on our way down to Mexico."

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