Chapter 10

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The states deal with the home front. Canada is done.


The states hurried out of the room and back into the car. Illinois took the weel, while Mass sat shotgun. Kentucky and Colorado sat in the back.

"Alright, Illinois, I want you to drop Kentucky and Colorado at the Potomac Airport." began Massachusetts. "You know the one, in Maryland. When we get there, Kentucky and Colorado, you'll make the necessary phone calls and get New Mexico and Arizona out as soon as you can. You can decide who will fly, but I expect a report on your status and the status of New Mexico and Arizona by the end of the day. Illinois, after you drop 'em off, we're gonna head back to the house. All clear?"

"No worries," replied Colorado. "We'll figure it out."

Kentucky just grunted in acknowledgment "Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise."

"Good." nodded Mass, turning to her phone to send a text to the rest of the thirteen.

Kentucky and Colorado were left at the airport while Illinois took Mass back to the house.

~~Wait for it~~

Illinois retreated quickly into his room once he arrived back at the house.

Massachusetts, however, sat in the demolished living room and prepared herself mentally for what was to come. With one last sigh, she picked up the phone and began the 13-way video conference that was the Council.

"I assume all of you received the text I sent an hour ago?" began Massachusetts.

A general murmur of assent rose from the rest, though some seemed more irritated than others.

"Why did you call us?" queried New York after everyone had quieted down some. "Didn't you have the meeting today?"

"Yes," replied Mass shortly, "It was interrupted."

A ripple of concern went through the rest of the thirteen at this.

"How was it interrupted?" Virginia ventured.

"Mexico," was the reply, "he came and took Texas and California."

Immediately everyone started shouting their outrage. Massachusetts's calls for silence went unheard, and everyone began to yell at their neighbors.

"ENOUGH!" shouted Virginia, once she noticed that no one was paying attention to Mass, who was supposed to be in charge of the meeting. Immediately everyone else shut up. "Thank you. Now, Mass, let me get this straight. You were at the meeting, Mexico interrupted sed meeting, took Texas and California somewhere probably Mexico, and now we're here. Is that correct?"

"Yes, America and South have gone to get them back, with the help of the General and England." answered Mass, "America asked me to hold this meeting, probably so we could create some order while he's gone. He asked Illinois to make sure the rest were prepared, Colorado and Kentucky were in charge of the protection of Arizona and New Mexico. He wants them moved north for their safety."

"Why the fuck is he with England?" snarled New Hampshire, "Has he gone tory?"

"We should probably do something about that, then." decided Georgia.

"A prohibition, maybe?" suggested South Carolina.

"How about temporary relief from duty? Give South his job for a month or so?" added North Carolina.

"Wait," began Maryland, "Are we not going to worry about the fact that two of the states were captured by another country? That's grounds for war, you know"

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