Chapter 14

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Prussia and England had arrived at the hotel in the early evening. The lobby had been mercifully empty, and they were able to arrive at their respective rooms without incident. They reached Prussia's room first and both paused. This was the end of the line, everything they had done in the past almost week would have to be forgotten or at least very well hidden.

Prussia sighed, "I never knew he got more of them. Kinda wish he'd told the awesome me. You know?"

"Not really. It is none of my business what he does to himself," began England, "but I do wish he'd told me. I suppose this just goes to show, he's more than he seems."

"Yeah... Hey, maybe Birdie'll put in a good word for me so I can meet the rest of them!"

"Maybe." sighed England, turning to head down the hallway, "Have a nice evening, Prussia. I'll see you tomorrow."

Prussia was about to close the door when he called out to England, "Wait! You aren't going to warn me off Canada?"

"No." snapped England, a small smirk evident in his tone, "I assumed the frog would nag you enough that I wouldn't have to bother. Now Good Night, Prussia."

Prussia sighed before turning into his room and closing the door. England briefly looked up and down the hallway before he closed his room's door. He swore he felt someone watching him and Prussia as soon as they had arrived at the hotel. And that they had been listening to his and Prussia's conversation. England shook his head slightly before moving into the bathroom to take a shower before a small dinner.

Canada stood at the end of the hallway, he had a lot to mull over. England and Prussia's conversation had not proved to be as useful as he had hoped, but he did gain some information. They didn't talk about the man in the back of the truck, but I can find out who he was later. And I didn't realize that Prussia already knew some of them, though it does make sense. And does England actually approve of me and Prussia, or does he just not care enough to bother? ... I should probably make sure France is doing all right. Canada sighed softly and moved to knock on France's door.

~~Keeping up with the Joneses~~

California had claimed the shower downstairs, so Texas went upstairs to use the other shower. Dixie meandered into the kitchen to help Colorado make dinner while Alfred enthusiastically hugged everyone he could reach, which was only Mass at the moment. She was squirming uncomfortably, since being given bone-crushing hugs is never a completely pleasant experience.

"Stop! Stop! Alfred!" she squeaked, "Goddamnit, put me down!"

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly, "I'm just glad to be home."

Massachusetts laughed before turning toward the kitchen to see if Kentucky had returned. Illinois and Kentucky were talking in the kitchen when they arrived, Colorado was fixing some greens, and Dixie was preparing the possum to make a quick burgoo. After a round of hugs for everybody Alfred began to set the table for dinner.

~~A skippage of time~~

After everyone had helped clear away the dishes Alfred called them all back into the dining room. As soon as they settled around the table, (Alfred at the head, Dixie at the foot, and the states along the sides so that clockwise they went in order of admission), Alfred called the family meeting to order.

"Alright. Before we decide what to do let's go over what's been done. Illinois, your report please."

"Everyone was made aware of the situation. Nothing much to report altogether. I've called everyone again to tell them you were coming back." Illinois said.

"Good. Thank you." smiled Alfred, "Colorado and Kentucky, what have you got?"

"Well, we, I, picked up Arizona and New Mexico and took 'em up to Maine." started Kentucky, "And Maine is fine as well. As far as I know they're still up there."

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