♤Chapter 2♤

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After walking through the doors you're greeted with so many people cosplaying as many characters that are too far to count. The body heat is too intense so you decide to take off your sweater, wrapping it around your waist you head out to find some of your favourite YouTubers.

Time skip♡

"How yer doing lass?" Jack's thick Irish accent breaks through the loud crowd conversing to each other.

"I'm alright, how are you?"

"I'm great!, do yer want a picture?".

"Yes please!"

After taking a picture with Jack you said your goodbyes and headed to Shane Dawson's panel.
(I know Shane doesn't like to go to conventions. But deal with it boo >3<~♡)

"Omg Shane, I love all your conspiracy theory videos. And I probably watch them all in one sitting".
Shane smirks and a light chuckle escapes his lips.

"Well I am so honored that you like my videos".

Shane puts his right hand on his heart like he has been moved by your words. You let out a little giggle and you both start to have a conversation about how you both love the paranormal.

Time Skip◇

After a good minute you said your goodbyes to Shane sadly and started to head to Ethan's panel.

"What is up my cranky fellow subscriber!".

"Did you just make that up right now?"

"Yes, yes I did don't judge me". You and Ethan start to laugh and giggle at the funny 'intro' he did.

"Well what can I do for a beautiful lady like you?"

You blush lightly, "May I get a photo with you Mr.Handsome?". Ethans face goes red as he whispers "tòuche". You both giggle and snap a picture together.

"Thank you!".

"No problemo; Hey may I have your number in case you want to hang out like after the convention and in the future?" Ethan's voice laced in curiosity.

"Yes!, I mean yea I'd love too".

You give him your phone as he dials in the contact number setting himself a nickname. He hands you back his phone and you look down at your phone to see "Blue Bean💦". You laugh and say your thanks and head to Marks panel.

"The moment of truth". You whisper to yourself as you walk up to his panel. Mark is like your idol. He saved you from yourself and what you would've became. Mark gets done with a fan and he turns to your direction locking eyes with you. Your chest is filled with butterflies and you breath hitches as his warm smile follows along with those complementing brown eyes. "Wow he's perfect" you mutter under your breath.

"Hey (Y/n)!, it's nice to see you again today!" He smiles and chuckles.

"You too Mark!" You giggle as more butterflies start to rise in your stomach. Is it a warning feeling? Or a happy feeling?, at the moment you don't know. You're just happy to see him.

"Hey, can I have your number to keep in contact with you so we can hang out later on?".

Markiplier is asking for MY number?!?! Holy shit.

"Yea here it is" you wrote down your number and gave it to him.

"Thanks!, I'll text you later. Okay?".


Today is a great fucking day.

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