°Chapter 8°

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Feeling anxious and more anxiety rise up you get in between Mark and Ethan. Mark manages to swing an arm around you and you flinch a bit. You look up to him and his eyes are black with red irises. You gasp and blink again surprised. Their back to their normal color which confuses you.

"You okay there?" Mark asks concerned.

"Y-yea I'm fine Mark thank you for asking".

Mark hums and Ethan looks back at the both of you. Ethan suddenly grabs your hand and you jump as Ethan starts pulling you to a panel.

"(Y/n) look how cute these plushies are!"

"They look really really adorable" you smile admiring one.

"Want me to buy you one?, we can have matching ones!"

"I ca-"

You feel someone pull you back by grabbing your wrist. You look to see who did it and Mark stands there jealously is heavily threwn across his face.

"I'll pay for it".

Mark pays for the plushie and kisses your forehead passing by you. Your cheeks are a light pink as you hug the plushie close to your chest.

" Just wait princess, there's more of those where that came from at home"

Confused you look up to Mark who is smiling at you while walking towards a different panel. Ethan is too distracted by some anime poster that he didn't notice one thing. Sighing and walking a bit further you decide to catch up with them. After falling in step with them a few girls notice the 2 YouTubers and rush over to them smiling and glaring at you. You shrug it off as if everything is peachy clean, soon after more and more girls and some guys come to see the 2 you were hanging out with, you basically get pushed back to the end of the crowd. Feeling defeated you decide to venture off on your own because you haven't got to explore on your own.

"This is going to take awhile"

Sending Ethan a text saying you're gonna look around you venture off a different way. Finding some cool things and spending some money your phone rings.

Mark is calling you.

"(Y/n), where are you?" Panic and worry is in his voice. You shifted to your left leg because you right knee started to throb a bit.

"Don't worry, I didn't leave. I went to explore while you guys were with the girls" smirking you tuck your arm into your sweater pocket feeling your keys.

"Maybe. Just. Maybe I'll be able to convince him to let me go".

"Don't even think about" he growls on the other side of the phone.

" Well shit" you sigh quietly impressed and amazed at the fact he can read your mind through the phone.

"Now (Y/n), turn around and head straight for the tables near the octokitty panel". He sounds a bit irrattated as you hear Ethan in the background chatting away about some game to Mark while he is not listening.

You decided to follow his instructions and go there. Taking more and more steps near the tables your stomach feels weird and you body tingles. You hate that feeling. Anxiety rises in your chest as your eyes graze the crowd to find Mark and Ethan. 5 minutes pass and you find the both of them heading towards you. Mark seems more irrattated by the second as he marches over to you and grabs your arm turning to Ethan.

"Sorry Ethan. Me and (Y/n) have stuff to do today. We will be leaving early".

Ethan pouts but nods in understanding. He turns to you and gives you a big hug making your heart melt a bit. You hug him back as Mark glares daggers into Ethans back. You pull away relentlessly and give him a forced smile.

"I'll see you soon (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, I will see you soon Ethan".

He smiles as he says his goodbyes to you and Mark. Your stomach turns as you see Ethan walk away from the both of you. Your smile fades as Mark gives your arm a tug to the exit. Your feet shuffle and your head is down feeling defeated.

"Time for the real fun to begin".

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