~Chapter 9~

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Mark tugs you more and more to the exit. Your feet shuffling beneath you. Your anxiety picks up, as your hands shake. Your palms are sweaty.

"M-mark, where are we going?"

He looks down at you with a smirk, he pulls you by your forearm lightly but tightly latched on. Opening the door to outside of the convention.

"Well (Y/n), we're going home"

"H-home? But my home is down that way" you gesture down the street towards your apartment.

"No, not that home. My home" he chuckles lightly. He tugs you toward the parking lot getting his keys out for the car. Your mind is spinning and tears swell up at the edge of your eyes. He opens the passenger car door and guides you there closing the door while jogging to the drivers seat with the keys. He gets in,puts the key in the ignition and drives off down the streets of Los Angeles.

You look at the man before you. And think so many questions on why he wants you or what he's going to do to you. Why did you get picked by him instead of another girl? You look out the window of the car watching buildings fly by and people. You're going down unfamiliar streets and seeing different places.

"Where the hell is he taking me?"

Fewer houses appear and you start to bounce you legs fast. Pulling your long sleeve over your hands as Mark hums a tune.  No point in running. He threatened you earlier about running and hurting someone you care about. Better not risk that.

You pull into a nice beautiful home with a long driveway upfront and a nice big door. The house looks cozy and 2 stories tall. A dog barks from the inside. Mark pulls into the garage door and makes sure to lock it afterwards. You're frozen in your seat. You don't want to move. You're anxiously waiting for instructions.

" Relax (Y/n), you're okay". He places a hand on your shoulder and you flinch in response. He reclines his hand back slowly. He gets out of the car and does a little skip to your side opening the door. You slowly take off your seat belt as he holds his hand out for you to take. You take his hand hesitantly, his palms are warm but his finger tips are cold to the touch. You get up out of the car going following after him to inside of the house.

Something fluffy tackles you to the ground as it licks and nibbles your nose softly. It barks a few times.

"A doggo!" You sit up and start petting the dog as it playfully bites your hand running amok. You laugh at it's playful nature as Mark looks down at you he's soft gaze meeting yours.

You have a lot in store for the next few hours.

(Hello lovelies! Yes it's me,the one and only trash can! It's been awhile. I'm sorry I haven't been updating at all. I'm very busy with college and it gets outta hand sometimes. I would love feedback on the story was well. Thank you!)

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