Chapter 1: It's in Your Gene's

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    Pidge snuck through the Galra ship, not a sound being made. She knew she had probably made a mistake, but all she wanted to do was prove to the other that she was not worthless or weak. No one knew she had snuck on the motherboard ship. There was no backup, no fail safe, no one to help her now.

     Pidge had calculated the sentries pattern and she moved through the halls undetected. She ducked behind a pillar as two galra walked by guns in hand. She slipped behind them as they passed.

     Pidge moved into one of the many control rooms and hide in between the front of the desk and the wall, and she started to download information. This was the 9/10 one on her list of centers before she would be done. The download finished, but footsteps walked into the room. Pidge sucked in her breath and didn't move. She was in a small area and in black, but she did not want to chance it.

    "Everything is up and running in here, lets go check the one by the hanger." The guard said,leaving the room and moving down the hall to the hanger. Pidge waited a few more ticks as two more guards walked by, then she silently made her way down the hall. She turned a couple of times, ducking when sntries came by, and finally got to the last room.

     Pidge got in the tiny space that was in front of the desk again, then got to work. She was just starting that awkward waiting period when the dowload had just started when a squadron of glara jogged by with guns ready. Oh quiznak. They found me, I am going to die, Pidge thought. 

     "All galra report to the hanger, the Paladins have broken in. I repeat, all galra report to the hanger, the Paladins have broken in." The galra on the intercom said. Pidge's eyes widened. I am in so much trouble. She looked at the progress of the download. 89% done. 

     She had to wait, in silence. The hangar was on the opposite side of the mothership. It felt like an hour, but the download finally finished. She removed any trace that she was there, like she had done with the others, and then she carefully left her hiding spot. 

     All galra were supposed to be in the hanger, but she could never be too careful, not with a mission like this. She snuck down to the druids opening in the bottom of the ship where she had left her lion in camouflage. Pidge cautiously opened the door and tiptoed down to her lion.

     Just about to take off, Pidge looks down to see Hagar. The witch shots a blast of magic at Pidge and her lion. Pidge feels all the magic being sucked into her, and can only her Hagar's voice saying, thank you for volunteering for my little experiment, before she takes her lion out of the mothership and back into the Castle. 

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