Chapter 1: Another Soulmate Au

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Hey guys! Yes. This is another Soulmate, Au. I know I have already done one, and they are a bit cliche, but I HAD SUCH A GOOD IDEA, I just had to write another. Btw, they know Pidge is a girl and Keith is still the red paladin.

Everyone has a soulmate. People get a mark around 13-15  that will help you find that person. Some are bigger. Some change depending on where you stand like a window. And there are other variations too. They can be shown, but a lot of people prefer to keep them private.

Pidge had never wanted to know her soulmate. By the time she had gotten hers, she was busy trying to find her brother and father. Hers was on her left shoulder.  It was a small fan of red and black swirls, with a small bull in the center of it. The bull was kind of alive and could move around Pidge, like Maui from Moana. Pidge didn't care if anyone saw, because she didn't care. Most people have never seen it because she likes sweatshirts. This story starts on a break our paladins had. And they had a sleepover in the lounge for some reason.

"Okay, so we have played some games, watched some movies that Hunk had for some reason, what do you want to do next?" Lance asked.

"I don't know," Hunk said.

"Oh!" Lance said, "I have an idea if you guys will be open to it!"

"What is it?" Shiro asked.

"We could talk about our soulmates!" Lance said. Pidge tensed up a little bit.

 "Sure!" Hunk said. "Can I show you guys my mark?"

"Aw, you trust us that much?" Lance said. Hunk nodded, then he pulled up his sleeve. His mark covered his arm and was a dark teal color. It formed a rock pattern like his arm was wearing a glove of rocks. "Cool!"

"I guess your soulmate really like rocks," Keith said.

"I have never seen a mark that big before that is so cool!" Lance said. "Let me show you mine!" Lance rolled up his pant leg to reveal his mark above his ankle. It was a band of what looked like mice chasing each other, and they were either white, pink, or blue. The mice on the mark also were like a carousel as the whole mark circled his ankle.

"Mice?" Keith asked.

"I have no clue," Lance said. "What is yours? You don't have to show us if you don't want,"

"Nah, it's fine it is just on my upper back," Keith said he pulled off his shirt and Lance and Hunk went behind him to look at his mark. Pidge only glanced up at Keith once before going back to her computer.

"A galaxy! Cool!" Hunk said. "Wait, when you move it changes! It is like a window to a galaxy!" They went back to their blankets that were on the ground and Keith put his shirt back on.

"So we have The Rock, Mouse Chaser, and Star Man," Pidge said.

"What is yours?" Hunk said. Shiro, who was just chilling listening to them suddenly burst into laughter. 

"You think you can get Katie Holt to talk about soulmates!" Shiro laughed.

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