Chapter 2

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"Fuck." I pulled to the side of the road and turned off my engine. I was so close to being home! One fuckin' block away!
I leaned over to the passenger side and opened up the dashboard pocket, rummaging through it for the car registration papers.  I pulled it out and placed it on my lap before sitting tall in the upright position. I then reached into my purse to pull out my license.
The officer knocked twice on my window so I rolled it down. I wasted no time before I handed him my information. "Here." I then placed both hands securely on the steering wheel. "So...What exactly did you pull me over for?"
The officer kept his eyes down on the papers. "You were swerving on the road."
I chuckled, "No I was not."
The officer raised his eyebrows speculatively then our gaze met. I instantly recognized him.
"Piers? You're a police officer?" I was stunned, it was the guy I ran into at school.
"It's Officer Nivans," he said pointing to his name tag. "Have you been drinking?"
"Course not, that would be stupid."
Officer Nivans leaned forward and smelt the air in the car. " I smell it."
"So you're an alcohol detecting dog now?"
"Step out of the car."
"You're kidding."
"No I'm not, now step out of the vehicle."
I sighed and opened up the door, stepping outside. I leaned against the car and crossed my arms. "I'm not drunk Piers."
"Officer Nivans," he chimed in.
"Yada yada... Don't need to act like you've never met me before."
"Walk in a straight line." Piers commanded while writing something down on his notepad.
" No. I told you already I'm not drunk."
"Just do it Miss Brooks." He said, looking up from his book.
I snarled and took off my heels, tossing them to the side. I then proceeded to walk on the cold concrete in a straight line. "Hphm, there."
"That wasn't close to being straight.."
I lashed out, "That was perfect! You crazy, dude."
"No, no it wasn't." Officer Nivans put his notepad down on the hood of the car and ordered me to put my hands behind my back.
I was being arrested?
He handcuffed my hands behind my back then led me to his police cruiser. He guided me by the elbow into the backseat then put the seat belt around me.
Officer Nivans settled himself behind the steering wheel then buckled himself in. Just when I thought he would start up the car and drive off with me in tow, he reached for his notepad then began taking some more notes. "It's illegal to be drinking at 18 Miss Brooks. It's also illegal to be drinking and driving. Has it not come across your mind that you could kill somebody?"
"The names Sherry and like I've said I am not drunk. And I did not kill anybody."
Piers, aka Officer Nivans as he preferred being called said a few words into his CB then started the car.
Officer Nivans cleared his throat.
"I mean Officer Nivans..... What is going to happen to my car exactly?"
"That's what your worried about....Your car not that you're about to be locked in a jail cell." I swear I heard him laughing. Asshole, alert.
On the ride to the station, I tried to make conversation with him. Hoping....maybe it would spark an idea to let me go with a warning. "'re a police officer."
"Looks that way doesn't it," He answered keeping his eyes focused on the road ahead. "You're in a police cruiser aren't you? Wait... you probably can't tell the difference."
"I have eyes and again, I'm not drunk."
"I'm in a very clear state of mind right now, asshole."
His eyes flickered to mine through the rear view mirror briefly then returned to the road. "You've got a mouth on you which could get you into more trouble then you already are. Disrespecting an officer is not tolerated."
"What idiot would allow someone to bash their character and not say anything?"
When I arrived at the station, I noticed some tell-tale signs to know that something was very off. I've watched plenty of jail shows to know what exactly happens upon arrival. Your patted down then finger printed and for some odd reason, I wasn't. I was just placed in a small holding cell.
I estimated that I was in the holding cell for about 20 mins before I was brought out. I was told to sit by the chiefs office with my hands still cuffed behind me.
Suddenly the door swung open and in rushed my mother. She saw me sitting on the chair and rushed to my side. She scolded me, "Sherry Scarlett Brooks, what were you thinking?!"
"I was thinking It was time to come home and go to bed. Instead I get pulled over by some obnoxious police officer."
"Sherry---" she snarled.
I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to beg for her forgiveness if that's what she was hoping for. I wasn't weak. I wouldn't cry
My mom shook her head clearly disappointingly then shifted her attention to Officer Nivans as he approached us.
"Mrs. Brooks," he shook my mom's hand. "I wish we could have met on much better circumstances."
"I apologize on behalf of my daughter. This won't be happening ever again." She glared at me.
Wait, I was slightly confused. "I get to go home?"
"Officer Nivans has worked tirelessly to get the DA to drop the charges against you. That's only if you agreed to do community service."
"So plant a few trees and all is forgiven?" Easy enough.
"Actually---" Officer Nivans added, "You won't be needing garden gloves."

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