Chapter 5

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"Sherry---" He warned, not wanting to participate in guessing games.
"I was hoping it would open your eyes a little to see the danger your putting yourself into and others. Your choices could kill someone, Sherry."
Piers sat up straight in his chair and acknowledged his boss, "Yes sir?"
The chief glanced over at me for a brief moment, then returned his focus to Piers. "We need you to stay in longer today. We are short an officer on patrol, so you'll need to stay in till 2."
"Of course sir." Piers took the opportunity without a brief hesitation. "Sir, what about Miss Birkin?"
"Sir Miss Birkin is right," Piers began. "It would be dangerous for her to accompany me. Also, she does have school tomorrow."
"Just take her with you, Nivans. " The chief stormed out of the room leaving Piers and I alone once again. Piers must be gloating inside right now.
Piers glanced at me for a brief moment then knelt down to grab something out of his desk drawer. He shut the drawer then tossed me a jacket.
As we made our way through the hall of the police station, chief offered us well wishes. Even telling us to have some fun. I frowned then followed Piers outside.
"Enough Sherry," he scolded.
Piers exhaled then turned to look outside the window. As he took a few deep breaths to regain control over his frustration, I couldn't help but take a quick glance at his police badge. It rose and fell as he breathed in and out.
Piers cleared his throat and returned his eyes to the front. His hands clenched. "That won't happen."
"Sherry---" he warned.
"Shut it Sherry!" He cursed.
I smirked then leaned back in my seat. Maybe spending all this time with Piers wasn't going to be so bad after all. He was....awkwardly, entertaining....The dispatcher rang in at 12 alerting us of a possible drug deal. In speedy movements, Piers had turned on his sirens and we were in pursuit.

When we arrived at the scene, Piers turned off his lights strategically to catch the dealers off guard. When we pulled up to the exchange, I recognized one of the accusers.


As Piers was about to exit the car, I grabbed hold of his arm and held him back.

"Sherry what the---"

"Can we just drive away?"

"I can't do that."

"I know... I just," I sighed, "Travis."

Piers just shook his head and snatched his arm away. He got out and quickly contained the situation, handcuffing both Travis and his associate. Piers placed them both in the back of the squad car as he awaited for another officer to show up and whisk them both to jail.

Travis recognized me instantly. "Mais? You workin' for them now?"

"Community service, Travis," I turned around in the front seat to chat with him. " Got caught drinking and driving."

He chuckled, "That's my girl."

I smiled slightly then glanced over at Piers who sat directly next to me.

"Don't be talking to them, Sherry" Piers said.

"And why not?" I asked. Since when was there this code of silence.

"Don't," he glared at me.

I sighed and sat forward. All these stupid rules and regulations seem pointless. Police officers just make more work for themselves.

"Don't worry, Mais, my dad will bail me out." Travis said nonchalantly.

I wasn't worried for Travis. I knew his dad had the money and would bail him out in just a few short hours. His dad always comes to his rescue and there are never consequences for his actions.

Ideal life.

Once the guys were escorted to jail by another officer, Piers and I were left alone. As I sat on the hood of the cruiser, I noticed Piers giving me a disturbed glare.

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