Part 11

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They said a Mother love is exceptional yet Kit found himself doubting it. It's been few days since she left her, few days until his life crumbled and also few days he hasn't heard a single word from her. He didn't know whether to be sad or surprised? He didn't know what he expected from her. No matter what happens, a child always needs his parents every now and then.

He kept checking his phone, Laptop, emails anything for some sign of his mother. Any message, voicemail or email left for him. Anyway, he could at least hear her voice and know she was safe but it looked like she almost forgot him, like to her he never existed. It hurts, more than he thought it will.

Knowing, his mother left was other thing but seeing how she didn't even try to contact him. To know how her son was doing, it was far worse. He sighed as he looked at his mobile, scrolling through the mountains of his friends messaged which always made him. Phana and Beam were like his brother, the annoying yet caring type.

Phana was much more of a grumpy person yet he gives the best advice ever, every time Kit needs some assurance or some kind of advice he ask Phana. He was more of a counselor of their group yet he loves them with all his heart.

Beam was dramatic being of their group, always causing trouble. He and Kit was the troublemaker and Phana always scold them. He closed his eyes and smiled, god knows how much he misses them. It was almost unbearable. His eyes opened again when he heard a knock and saw Maryse smiling at him. He immediately sat straight and looked at her as she took a seat on bed in front of her.

"You okay?" She asked, Kit looked confused and frowned at her. "You haven't left the room since morning" Kit let out a small "Ohh" smiling at her. What was he suppose to say. He didn't felt talking to anyone because he misses his Mother who didn't care enough to message him once.

"Yeah, Just tired" Kit exhaled, her brows frowned in confusion.

"You know even if I am not your mother, I do know when you are lying" Maryse pointed looking at his face making him sigh. He played with his mobile, twirling in between his fingers before he spoke. "You know her well didn't you? Maryse frowned before realizing he meant his mother. She exhaled deeply nodding.

"Why do you think she choose him?" his voice was too small, too vulnerable it shattered her heart. Honestly, she didn't know the answer to that question. The Evelyn she knew was kind and caring and this one didn't care enough for her son. It didn't make much sense to her.

"Sometimes, even parents can make mistakes. Sometimes, something's seems right to them when in reality they are not. I am sure she will realize soon" She patted his back, letting her best answer fall out of his mouth.

"I don't know, she haven't even messaged me once" Kit shook his head. Maryse cupped his face and wiped a tear that lay in the corner of his eye. "She will, don't worry. Meanwhile you have me" Kit smiled a little resting his hand over her which lay on his cheek.

"Thank You" He whispered.

"Don't thank me, Stand up and come outside." She chuckled making him chuckle too.

Mother's love really is exceptional. 

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