Part 30

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A little hope he had was slowly vanishing as he saw how dependent he was to Ming's family, he saw how they all had to support him. They had to be there with him when he wanted to stand up or sit down. They had to serve him dinner and he couldn't stop his tears.

In hospital for a moment he thought he might be able to walk but he forgot even with stand or crutches he was dependent and it hurts him. They have done so much for him. They had given him everything and loved him like their own son and sibling, the last thing he wanted to do was burden them, to be dependent, to take their freedom.

No matter how many times he tries to shake this feeling he wasn't able to, he wasn't able to help but feel like a burden to them all. He loved them and he knew they all did to but for how long? How long would they be able to cope with him, to take care of him? To be there for him?. Someday they will get tired of this; they will be tired of constantly taking care of Kit and him overshadowing their needs because of his disability.

He wasn't able to shake this feeling and now as they sat around dining table, he was too quiet. He didn't feel like eating or saying anything. He remembered how once he had served the food; hell even cooked it with Ming's mum. He knew he won't be able to handle the rejection after a while and so without thinking he spoke.

"I think you should send me to foster care" His sentence was followed by a silence and all of the looking at Kit in surprise. He saw Ming's mum conflicted expression, he saw Mark's sad face and he saw Ming's face in agony and also in guilt as Kit realized once Ming had said those words to him but now Kit means it. There he would be able to live; they can take care of Kit.

"Kit why would you say something like that?" Ming's mum asked.

"I appreciate all of yours concern and care but I don't want to burden you all." Kit finally caught their eyes and could swear he saw tears in Ming's but he shook his head.

"Kit stop talking like this, please.." Ming pleaded desperately but Kit shook his head and looked at him. "I think it's for the best, and also It's my decision" Kit whispered before he stood up with a help of his stand and slowly walked away towards his room, relieved that no one followed him. He with some effort sat down on his bed and pushed the stand away his tears falling like a waterfall. He muffled his sob as his shoulder shook. It was like the reality was drowning onto him again and harder than before. He sat there for a while as his sobs turned into sniffles before the door opened and in came Ming with a tray on his hand.

"You need to eat something" Ming gently spoke but Kit shook his head. "I can't" He whispered. Ming sighed and placed the tray on side table before sitting in front of him.

"Kit I know it's hard but we'll make it" Ming spoke, Kit looked up at his face, his eyes bloodshot which made Ming gulp.

"We?" Kit asked a little coldly.

"Yes we because I'm gonna be here with your every second just like my family." Ming murmured. Kit stared at him. "Are you pitying me Ming?" His words were cold.

"No, Kit I trust you" Ming said firmly and Kit scoffed.

"Why now?'

"Kit you remember I said I am rude to you because I don't trust you, because I thought you were acting or that you are like Liam and will hurt my siblings" Ming asked and Kit nodded. "But now I do trust you because no one sacrifices their life to save someone they wants' to hurt. You saved my brother without a second thought, there is no way you can hurt them." Ming gently spoke. "Kit you made me realized things I forgot, you made me trust again, you made me realized that my family is important and that closing myself is hurting them too." Ming grabbed his hand. "You made me believe in love again" his voice was so soft, so warm Kit found his heart melting.

"Ming-kwan I can't walk..." Kit whispered, his lips quivering rapidly. " I can't do anything, I can't play with Max, I can't dress up with Nate or cook with Mae, I can't do anything my heart desire. My life is over; I am just a dependent burden to all of you. I am nothing but a useless person now." Kit cried as the words started to make sense to him and he realized he won't be able to do anything now. His shoulder's shook with sob and Ming cupped his face.

"No you are not useless and nor you are a burden, you are the strongest and bravest person I know. And Kit I know you lost your legs but you still have your arms, you can see, you can feel and you can dream. There is so much you can do and you will. Your world isn't over and I won't let it to be. Who says you can't play with max? Yes you can, only difference will be you won't be able to walk. You can style Nate's hair sitting on your bed, you can cook with mom sitting with her on a chair and you can do everything your heart desire. Your life isn't over and I will prove it to you. I will be by your side just like you were." Ming wiped his tears and kissed his forehead as he closed his eyes desperately wanted to believe in those words.

"Besides, we will exercise daily and you can walk through stands, and in no time you'll be able to walk the way you use to." Ming brushed his hairs and he looked at Ming's tearful eyes. He smiled softly seeing how he was the one comforting Kit when he won't talk to anyone and also how he hated Kit. He smiled seeing him opening his heart and feeling the pain as if it was inflicted on Ming and not Kit. He smiled and traced his cheek.

"Thank you..." Kit whispered and Ming shook his head.

"Don't thank me and don't think you are a burden because you are not. You are my family and we need you Kit. I need you." Ming whispered, Kit heart fluttered when Ming said those words and he let the tears lose. He didn't know how he got lucky to have them here with him. "Now let's eat something, shall we?" Ming wiped his tears and Kit nodded. Ming grabbed the tray and sat with Kit handing him his plate as he grabbed his own. Kit's heart warmed when he realized he stopped eating for Kit and he wanted to hug Ming but refrained. Together they eat their dinner before Ming gently laid Kit down and tucked him underneath his blanket. He placed his stand and necessary things near Kit in case he needed them and stood to stare at him.

"Hey Kit?" He called and Kit opened his eyes.

"Humm?" He hummed.

"Can we be friends?" Ming asked, Kit looked at him before he smiled a little. Ming asked him to be his friends? The same Ming who didn't believe in friendship anymore, who said they aren't friends. He shook his head and smiled at him.

"Yes we can be friends." Kit spoke. Ming smiled once again before he went outside towards his room leaving Kit's door open. Kit smiled fondly when Ming didn't close his own door in case Kit needed him. He curled up and hugged his cushion.

Maybe he'll be okay with his friends and family by his side.

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