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You ducked swiftly as a leg came flying towards you. You dodged the leg and stood up quickly, punching the owner of the leg in the face. He stumbled back and fell to the ground and you wore a triumphant smile on your face.

"I told you I would win," you stated as you offered a hand to the man on the ground. "That's the last time I'm training with you," your friend, and fellow agent, Clint Barton said as he took your hand and stood up.

You gave him a small smile and told him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to punch you so hard." He shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I barely felt it." You could tell he was lying, it was one of your favorite skills, but you let it go.

"So, round two?" you asked him. He gave you a small laugh before shaking his head no. "I don't think I would survive," he said sarcastically. Suddenly the conversation was interrupted by a voice saying, "Agent Barton, I need to speak to Agent Y/L/N for a moment."

You looked up to see Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury, standing there. "Have fun," Clint told you before walking away. "Yes, sir?" you asked Fury, wondering why he needed to talk to you. "Follow me," he stated as he began to walk out of the room with you following him.

You followed him to a car and he got into the driver's seat. After a moment of hesitation, you got in as well, wondering what was about to happen. A few minutes into the drive, you said, "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, where are we going?" He just continued to stare out the windshield for a moment, before responding, "You'll see soon enough."

A couple of hours later, you and Fury seemed to pull over in the middle of nowhere. You were surrounded by trees that covered the entire area, and the ground was completely covered in leaves. "What is this place?" you asked Fury.

He responded by moving some leaves to reveal a fingerprint scanner. Fury placed his finger on it, and a large door opened from the ground to reveal a staircase. You looked towards Fury who was covering up the scanner, and then he looked back up at you. He began walking past you and towards the stairs while saying, "Come on."

You followed Fury down the stairs and took in every detail of the place. The entrance was pretty much just made up of nearly indestructible metal, but as you walked further and further into the place you could see that it was a beautifully furnished house.

You looked at the rooms you were passing through in amazement. There was a large kitchen and dining room, a living room with a flat screen TV, complete with a large set of movies and video games. There were two bedrooms, each one a master size, and two bathrooms. These were just the main rooms. There was also a billiard room with a bar, a pool table, darts, and a foosball table, and there was a swimming pool and a hot tub.

You stopped dead in your tracks making Fury stop as well. He looked back at you, and you said, "You didn't answer my question. What is this place?" "Just a little bit further, and then everything will be explained," he replied, continuing to walk.

You let out a sigh but followed him. You reached a metal door that was bolted, and when Fury opened it, it led to a control room with many different buttons for many different things. In the room was a large glass window that overlooked another room, and in the corner of this room was a door that led to the same room the window overlooked.

You looked through the window to see a large, what appeared to be a cage, made of metal and bulletproof glass in the middle of the room, and someone was in it. But not just someone, Loki of Asgard. The same Asgardian who tried to take over the entire Earth.

"That's Loki Laufeyson -- Thor's brother," you told Fury. "That's correct," he replied. "What is he doing here?" you questioned. "Loki had found a way to come to Earth again and was stirring up some trouble, but you see, we have had some trouble contacting Thor, so the only way to make sure that he wouldn't cause any trouble, was to lock him up," Fury explained.

"Didn't you try that once before the Battle of New York, and fail?" you asked Fury. "Yes, Loki managed to escape, but he won't this time. That glass is fifteen times thicker than the one we had before and it is based on Asgardian construction to keep him inside of it. Loki needs to stay in there at all costs, but of course, I can't just leave him by himself, I need someone to stay here and watch him. So I am putting my best agent on it," Fury explained.

"Great, so are we just staying here until he gets here?" you questioned. Fury gave you a look of confusion and replied, "Agent Y/L/N, you are my best agent." You gave him a look of surprise and said, "I don't know, sir, are you sure about this? I'm sure there are other agents who are highly more qualified for this."

"No, I chose you," Fury replied before pushing a button on the control panel in the room. It revealed another scanner and Fury told you to place your finger on it, so you did. It began scanning your finger and after a couple of moments, it was done.

"There, now, you and I are the only ones who can get in and out of this place," he explained. He then opened a small cupboard and revealed a phone. "This phone is to contact me directly. Only use it for emergencies, such as you ran out of food or the prisoner has escaped, understand?" he told you, and you nodded your head.

"No one can know that you or Loki are here, so don't tell anybody and I won't be coming to check up on you, just in case. This phone is your only way to contact me. And, there's one last thing, don't let the prisoner out of his cage, and don't leave this bunker under any circumstances," Fury instructed you.

You nodded your head and Fury told you, "I'm trusting you Agent Y/L/N, don't let me down." And with those words, Fury walked out of the bunker, leaving you there alone with the God of Mischief.

You sighed as you watched Loki through the window. He was pacing his cage as if he was trying to come up with a way to escape, and it made you nervous. If Loki ever escaped, he could kill you in an instant, and it terrified you. You sat down in a chair that was there and continued to watch him as you wondered what was in store for you on this mission. 

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