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The second night you stayed in the bunker, Loki hadn't bothered you once, but still, you got zero sleep. Because even if he wasn't physically bothering you, he was constantly on your mind. You felt bad for him. Something inside of you told you that he didn't entirely deserve to be in that cell. 

You knew what he did, and you knew he had to be punished for that. But, you had yet to find out why he did what he did. There's the very simple reason that Loki gave everyone and that everyone believed: He was just evil. But, you didn't believe that for one second. You couldn't, no matter how much you wanted to. No matter how much easier it would make things for you, you just couldn't.

You sighed as you rolled out of your bed, getting hardly any sleep. You hopped in the shower, hoping it would wake you up a little and put on shorts and a tank-top. The bunker was like any old building and had a poor air conditioning system, and to say it was hot outside would be an understatement. 

You fixed your hair, making sure you looked alright before making your way to Loki's cell. When you entered the room, his face lit up, but you didn't know that. Just like you didn't know how Loki thought about you all night as well.

He couldn't get rid of the feeling he got every time he thought about you, and when you came around it was like he forgot about everything else. "Good morning, Loki," you said softly, yawning a little. He smiled and asked, "Long night?" "Just didn't get a lot of sleep," you replied. "It wasn't my fault this time," he said with a playful smile.

It was technically his fault, he just didn't know it. You smiled back as you sat down on the chair that was there. You looked in the far right corner of the room, on the back wall that was directly in front of you. In that corner was a hand scanner, specifically for the cell. All you had to do was place your hand on the scanner and Loki would be free.

Fury had told you to never let the prisoner out of his cell, so you would assume that he would have never built something like that, but in case something happened where you and Loki would have to evacuate the building, he built it. 

But, as you thought about how Fury said nothing could get in and nothing could get out, you couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you let Loki out of his cell. 

"What are you thinking about?" Loki asked, intrigued by the look you had as thoughts raced across your mind. Your eyes snapped from the hand scanner to Loki as you parted your lips to say something. "Have you been playing me this whole time?" you questioned something that surprised both you and Loki.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "I mean if you get out of that cell, are you just going to kill me right away? Is talking to me just some part of an elaborate plan?" you responded. "Do you truly think so little of me?" he questioned. 

"No, but I know how easily I fall for people's lies because I always try to see the good in them, and although something inside of me is screaming that you are secretly a really good guy...I have to ask if you are just playing me," you told him. 

"I told you once before, I am completely intrigued by you. I know there is no way out of this prison I am in. Our conversations have been completely genuine," he stated. You nodded your head and stood up, taking a couple of steps towards the hand scanner. 

"This bunker is on complete lockdown. Nothing is getting in and nothing is getting out. Even an attempt to breach the security, and a hundred agents will be at the front door," you said, walking in front of the hand scanner. Loki furrowed his eyebrows a little as he looked at you. "Why are you telling me this?" he asked. 

You glanced at him for a moment before placing your hand on the scanner. The glass door to his cell began to slide open and he looked at it in disbelief before looking at you. "Because I am ninety-nine percent sure that you aren't going to try anything, but in case that other one percent is what actually happens, you should just know that it's not going to work," you explained.

Loki seemed afraid to step out of the cell as if the moment he did something bad would happen. Maybe he was afraid that you were the one playing him. Maybe he was more afraid of being so close to you. Being able to feel your breath on his skin. It sent shivers down his spine.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked, bringing himself to make eye contact with you. You looked down, trying to figure out what to say. After a moment, you looked back into his beautiful blue eyes. "Have you ever just had fun? I mean between trying to kill your brother and trying to take over the world, have you ever just taken a moment to yourself?" you asked.

He hesitated for a moment before looking down and shaking his head no, so slightly that if you weren't paying attention, you wouldn't have seen it. 

"I know you're supposed to be like evil reincarnated, but I don't see that. I see someone was lost a long time ago, and I may be crazy, but the way I see it, we are the only two people down here, and I have no idea for how long, so we might as well be comfortable around each other," you told him, walking so that you were standing in front of him, the glass wall, although it was opened, still seemed like a barrier between the two of you as he refused to step out of it. 

There was a moment of silence, the only noise was the sound of you and him breathing. "Okay," he finally breathed out, stepping out of the glass cell, putting him only a couple of inches in front of you. You looked down before slowly bringing your eyes to his, taking in his proximity. 

You gave him a soft smile and said, "Come on." You then began to walk out of the room and he followed, cautiously stepping as if he was still so unsure. You laughed lightly to yourself as you saw him slowly trailing behind you. You walked back so that you were standing next to him and interlaced your fingers with him.

He looked shocked at the contact and almost pulled away before he looked up and your eyes met his. "At the rate your walking, I will be eighty by the time it takes you to get upstairs," you teased, pulling him along behind you.

He chuckled at your joke, allowing you to pull him along. He always needed to be in control, but with you, he was perfectly fine following your lead. You led him through the control room and through the rest of the bunker until you reached the living room, your hand never leaving his, something neither of you minded. 

Loki looked around the bunker, amused, as you pulled him along. This was beyond his comprehension. He never once believed he would see the outside of that cell, and here he was, walking around almost freely, with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 

"Okay, now sit," you said with a smile, removing your hand from his and then placing your hands on his shoulders, pushing him down on the couch. You then walked over to a nearby cabinet that was filled with games. You pulled out Battleship, Monopoly, Clue, and a couple of other games and placed them near the table in the living room. 

You sat down next to Loki and told him to chose the first game. Not knowing how to play any of them, he chose a random one. You put the game on the table and explained the rules and the two of you played the game. 

The two of you played games for the rest of the day, talking and laughing. Not once did you think of Loki as a danger. It felt real with him like there was an unspoken connection. He felt the same way of course, but you didn't notice. You didn't see the stolen glances he took or the way he admired your smile. Just like he didn't notice the way you adored the way his eyes lit up when he did something good in a game, or the excitement in his eyes when you began explaining how to play a new one.

When it got a little late, you suggested watching a movie with Loki. He agreed and helped you put away the games. You both sat back down on the couch and you pulled a blanket over the both of you, before turning on the TV, looking for a good movie. 

You finally found one of your favorites and turned it on. You then placed the remote on the table and cuddled up under the blanket. Loki felt nervous, even though he was just sitting there with you. You soon felt yourself drifting off, but Loki was totally engrossed in the movie. Your head slumped onto Loki's shoulder lightly as you fell asleep. 

His head turned to look at you as your head rested on him. He smiled softly and continued watching the movie as he let his own head rest gently on top of yours. Things were definitely different for the both of you. But, one thing you both could agree on was that it was for the better. 

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