Chapter 2

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(Reapers POV)

Going along the path we had to be careful who knows how many enemy guards are in these woods thats why Geno and i took the extra step to make sure we have plenty of guards. Geno hugged my waist tightly even though the horse wasnt moving that fast I asked him if he wanted to ride alone but he insisted he rode with me.

"Are we almost there its hard to see from back hear" I nodded "Yep almost Geno dont worry" "Seems like im always worrying these days" he let out a half hearted laugh "Well thats not a bad thing" I felt him shrug and we where both silent for the rest of the ride to what we dubbed the East village since East no longer had there kingdom.

When we made it both Dream and Cross greeted us How ever the once strong leaders looked worn down and tired compleatly out of faith yet Dream still looked like he had hope. "Greetings north" said Cross I nodded Geno slid off the horse and i followed Taking my place next to geno "May we talk somewhere more private?" i asked hooking my arm with Genos Dream nodded and motioned to one of the houses that looked like it was about to crumble there people i mean whats left of them looked depleted.

After discussing our next move with them Dream and cross nodded Dream smiled broadly "Do you think it could work??" "Possibly if we play our cards right" i replied deep in thought "Error dont get me wrong has phenomenal tactics but i think if we manage to get the east back then for sure we will have the upper hand we just need to design which mettaton my top designer to make   something that will block out the gas."

Cross nodded looking at the blue prints for some what designs "But how would we test it?" he said concerned I shrugged "We just have to count on it." "Thats unconvincing" said cross unamused "Well its the best we can do for now." i snapped feeling annoyed Dream sighed "Alright we will trust you but you might want to make it quick where dying out hear litterly" Geno nodded "We will keep you updated as much as possible but for now we must keep you in the dark if error gets word of what we are up to then the plan wont work" Cross nodded "Just hurry" we turned to leave geno quickly rolled up the blue prints and hurried after me I turned to Cross and Dream "Stay safe" They both nodded and with that we are heading back to the kingdom

(Genos POV)

"Reaper we cant give them false hope" i protested when we made it back to the castle in one peice He sighed "I know but its all we can give them" "Yes but its not good what if we cant deliver our half of the deal what if Error-" "Geno Please Just let me believe things will be alright just for now?" I winced "Im sorry" He nodded studying the blue prints "The people are getting restless But tomorrow we are running The spy's out and making the kingdoms city safe again for the people to return" "Really?!" i asked hopeful he nodded "that would be wonderful news if it works i said walking over and pecking him on the cheekbone he grinned at me and shook his head amused "What?" i asked folding my arms "Oh nothing" he said still smiling I huffed "No tell me" "Alright Your just to cute" I blushed "What ever im not cute your just being stupid" i replied emberessed trying to walk away but he grabbed my hand and giggled twirling me "Stoooopppp" i whined This made him laugh harder I rolled my eyes freeing my self from his grasp trying to suppress a smile i shook my head at him now smiling wide "Your so dumb" "And your stuborn" I sighed 'Fine ill give ya that i really am." "Now where agreeing on something" he said poking fun at me" "What!? your supposed to not agree with me!" i complained.

Our moment was ruined when a servant walked in. Reaper turned to the servant "Dont you knock?." he asked a bit annoyed before pausing and studying the servant puzzled "I didnt think there was need to, but hears a letter from... West" "What!" Reaper said snatching the letter quickly that the servant flinched there eye lights changing to grey. They  hurriedly walked out the room.

Reaper opens the letter swiftly and i peered over his arm The letter said.

Dearest North,

I bet you are wondering on why i haven't gone after your sorry excuse of a kingdom,Well i have a reasonable explanation. I want to make you both squirm until you both meet you untimely end So hears how this will go. Ill start with Geno since it will be the easiest to make him crack  after a bit of digging. i uncovered something rather Interesting that ill slip to your towns folk soon enough. also Reaper my friend, why dont you ask your love on how I received the information that brought the fateful end to South and East? Oh and dont think you wont be hearing from me again Remember I always know what is going on so you better not try any tricks. Till We meet again

,King Error.

I froze re reading it over and over Reaper finished reading it before Realization hit him he whirled around so fast and started sprinting down the hall I was stunned before racing after him "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" i yelled not caring how loud it bounced off down the hall "THAT WAS NOT ONE OF OUR SERVANTS!" he yelled back sliding around a corner before i heard a loud crash and a yelp. I slid around the corner spotting the servant on the ground pinned and struggling while Reaper held him down "Quickly get some guards!" he snapped I froze staring at the skeleton Before Reaper yelled again more presistant "GENO i MEAN IT GET GUARDS!" i jumped slightly and ran down the hall barley avoiding Goth who was wondering what the fuss was about.

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