Chapter 12

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(Errors POV)

"WhAt ThE HeLL dO YOu WAnT?" I growled really not in the mood

"Oh not so happy to see me? I'm quite offended" mocked the visitor I scoffed "Is ThERe a ReASoN?" I asked narrowing my eye sockets He chuckled evilly "let's just say I have come to join your little game, Error."

(Goths POV)

I crept in to the hospital room quietly I stared at my dads night stand they he was fast asleep still recovering he was snoring softly I started walking over quietly gently picking up the string with the key on it examining it briefly before shoving it in to my coat. Sorry dad and father you will forgive me soon enough I thought bitterly leaving the room Error told me this key was important so I must get it, It's what I have to do. it's what I need to do.

(Reapers POV)

I awoke to the bed empty I started panicking slightly till I realized that geno was still recovering. I felt a pang of loneliness but it was quickly brushed away I should be happy that Genos Safe that he's recovering.

I headed out the room after getting dressed I better rally up Goth Who knows where he is in this castle I shook my head slightly trying to fight a smile creeping on my face He always gets up in to some kind of trouble.

I knocked on his door and waited for a response but all was quite. "Strange.." I muttered knocking harder on the door but yet again it was.... Silent

Stepping in to the room it was perfectly neat the bed hadn't even looked like it had bin slept in.. Whixh was weird the maids wouldn't be cleaning at this time of day? "Goth??" I called out "I swear if this is a trick of his" I muttered I don't know how Geno can handle him he's quite the trouble maker when he's not shy and quite.

"Goth!" I called out again my voice raising in volume I stepped out of the room a worrisome feeling washed over me as I couldn't help but let the worst of thoughts plague my mind I sighed deeply trying to brush them away.

The castles huge he's probably just on the other side.. I walked around growing more anxious by each stride I took "Goth!?" I yelled sharply "Uh my king sir." A curt voice sounded behind me I whirled around hoping for word on my sons where abouts "Um prince Goth left early this morning with a note of your request to head to the out skirts of-" before he could even finish I exploded with anger "AND YOU LET HIM?" I shouted He flinched back terrified "I-l didn't want to disobey y-your orders s-sir" he replied meekly I growled in annoyance turning back around but not before "I'll deal with you later you incompetent Servant." I hissed making them yelp in fear as they rushed off probably to write to there family.

I headed to the cells There would only be one person who would know why my Son left.

(Inks POV)

It was so cold a bleak down Hear I felt as if I was loosing my sanity.. Errors not coming for me... maybe I should.. I jolted up when I heard a loud slam of the metal door being opened I felt my hopes sore only to be diminished by the sight of the what people call immortal king.

"Well well we'll look-" "I don't have time for your smart reply's" he growled i felt a slight fear hit me He was not happy clearly "I need answers now Why the Hell did my Son Go to your kingdoms borders?" Reaper was towering over me and with a look like that any person would be scared out of there wits so you couldn't blame me for showing slight fear.

"I-I wouldn't know." I lied trying to regain some of my ground against him. He scoffed "yeah sure ya don't." He slammed his hand on the bar causing me to cower back as the bar shook furiously.

"You tell me now or I'll have you lynched  in town square" I gulped in fear before I sighed in defeat "Error made him in to a spy." "What?!" "That time when Error kidnaped him. He brainwashed him Don't ask me how Because I don't even know the answer.. He brainwashed him just like he did with you and now has him be his ear in the kingdom." I finished feeling a bad taste in my mouth for bleating out all that information so easily. I really am a coward arnt I.

I looked up when he didn't say anything but I froze in fear His eye was a flaming blue And a look so sinister it only meant trouble. He headed back with no word I grabbed on to the bar helplessly "Please! Don't kill him. It's not his fault it's!-" the door slammed shut and I sank to the floor in defeat.

(Goths POV)

I mindlessly slowed my pace to a stride Managing to escape from the confused guards.

I clutched the key as if it was a life line after hours of walking the castle came in to view.

The guards let me head in with ease already knowing my purpose.

I was escorted to his office in there I head talking. When I was let in I was greeted by error and a new face.

"JUsT oN TiME NiGHTMaRE ThIs Is OuR LiTtLE RAt" he smirked I gulped in fear "So this is the brat you hired?" Scoffed the goopy one "Dosnt seem like much." He said thoughtfully as he looked at me shakily I placed the key with a clank on the desk.

"I-I'll be going now" I stuttered nervously turning to leave but I was pulled back with a arm around me causing me to flinch. " no stay a while I want to meet ya." Said the goopy one "I-I really should be going. My parents will get worried if-" "Error you've done a terrible job when you-" "QuIET!" The one with his arm around my shoulder was unfazed but I was scared out of my wits.

Error picked up the key by the string and dangled it in front of his face. "hey kid sit down I want to teach ya a game." His voice went completely normal making me slightly alarmed yet slightly intrigued I love games. I slipped out of the Goopy ones grip and approached the desk.

Error took the string off the key.

And twisted the string around his fingers "ITs CaLleD CaTs CrADle. mY MoThER TaUGhT IT To Me" I watched in awe as he twisted the string in to different patterns effortlessly. I was to focused on the string to notice Him nod at his visitor.  Then I felt a cloth being out over my mouth I realizing what was happening I struggled furiously but it was to late and the darkness consumed me.

(The game isn't important to the story I just wanted a little Easter egg on Errors strings 😂😂 anyways Random out!)

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