Chapter 14

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(Reapers POV)

"Well well well I bet this feeling feels familiar" sneered nightmare. I narrowed my eye sockets at them furious the rope dug in my wrists the more I struggled.

"YoU kNoW it wAsNT  eAsy  geTtInG this far but I got to aDmIt I tHink it waS qUite wOrTh iT, tHouGH wE dID hAvE soMe cAsUaLtieS aLoNg tHe wAy wHiCh Is.... UnForTuNaTe" error said a wide smirk plastered on his face as he approached

I looked to the left of me Dream was anxiously looking back and forth between his once dear brother and error.

cross was no where to be seen in my point of view and Geno was staring at the ground blankly.

"HEy ReApEr I hAvE a QuEsTiOn. a SiMplE OnE REAlly" he stepped forward while nightmare side stepped so now he was holding a blade to Dream who seemed terrified but his focus was turned to me.

"I WaNT To KNoW If YoU EvEn FeaR DeAth?"

(4 hours earlier)

"So Your sure of the plan geno?" I asked geno nodded confidently "we will get him this time" Geno said with a hand on my shoulder I nodded "of course we will."

Genos job was the capture goth back so we can rehabilitate him back to his old self because there no way where killing him even if he betrayed us.

We headed to the meeting place where Dream directed in his last message to us. We where almost there it was a safe distance from errors castle but close enough to be right on the boundary of there territory.

We waited patiently for the other party to join us however....All was silent "Are you sure this is the place sir?" Asked one of the guards I gave a angry glare to the guard which shut him up "yes. I'm sure"

More time passes we where three hours in on waiting. the sun was nearly at its peak in the sky "Maybe we should scout?" Asked geno before I could reply a loud snap sounded and then they where on us.

No one had time to react I tried to swing a punch but I was quickly knocked down and geno was out of my sight line causing me to panic slightly.

I hear foot steps crunch on the ground  drawing near. "awE WaSNT exPeCtIng ThAT huH?" I cringed at the voice. "I mean that was easier then I thought error are you sure we even got the right one?" Sarcastically spoke another voice. I gasped and raised my head to see the goo covered Skelton who approached Error.

"Wait nightmare?!?" Said geno from somewhere behind me "oh surprised? I thought it was pretty obvious I was a villain?"

(Present time)

After that they tied us up and brought us back in town square. "NoT GonNa AnSwer mE? HuH. wHaT a sHaME I WaS ReAlLy LoOkInG FoRwaRd tO YoUr AnSWEr"

"NOw No FurThEr A DuE I'm GonNa GiVe thE PeOplE whAt ThEy FinalLy WaITed For. GuArDS PlEaSe TakE OuR GueSt tO ThE stAgE" two strong guards picked me up by the arms "Gets off me!" I hissed angered. I saw geno in my side view he had a horrific look.

I also saw nightmare whisper to error before error clicked his fingers again "yOu KNoW WHy DoNT YoU BrInG gEnO AlsO" I gasped "no leave him out of it!" But it was already to late to late we both got dragged out.

The light was blinding at first when we finally got dragged out of the building we where in but I got used to it and was met with a huge crowd watching we got dragged up so now everyone could see us there was four guards on the stage and A child, Which was goth who was clearly not himself. The two other guards dragged me on to a x painted on the wood Error stepped close to me and leaned down.

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