Chapter 8

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(Reapers POV)
"is every one called for?" I asked raising a non existence eyebrow. There was nods of agreement among the crowd before I would have never thought North and South would fight along side Each other.

Geno looked uneasy as he clung to my arm nervously  he wasn't the only one the large crowd was plagued by nervous chatter as they talked among themselves assuring each other that they will make it home alive.

Finally the guard arrived with a large wagon filled with what we call Gas masks "NOW every ones takes one mask each as soon as u reach the designated area that you where told put them on we can not afford to loose anymore lives then we have to. This should be easy game Error believes he has the upper hand on us how ever he is wrong our army now over takes his 1 to 1000s. Things to remember if you can't beat your opponents by brawn beat them by out smarting them okay?" There was nodds going around some even dared to smile

"Don't show fear and I hope that each and everyone of you return" I finished turning to hear back in to my castle to see how Dream and his team are doing.

(Genos POV)

I looked back at the soldiers uncertain I hope that this works or we might as well dig there graves right now.

"Oh goth what are you doing?" I asked seeing our son reading a book "just reading keeping out of the way really just like father asked" I nodded it was probably a good thing I don't want him near any of this he's only a child a kid his age shouldn't be exposed to such horrible things, Though it could be worse he still could be in the streets.

Leaving Goth to attend to him self I walked down in to the cells seeing the prisioner at the moment he was our only one he lifted his head seeing who the newcomer was "I didn't expect to see you down Hear" his voice light and airy with a slight cockiness to it.

I shrugged pulling a chair up and lighting a candle near to the cell that burned out ages ago. It lit up his face reviling what our cruel way of dealing with spy's was a large crack was on his skull along with dried blood around it.

"Can I ask you something?" I spoke he gave me a blank stare his eye lights flickered though with interest "Is there really a chance of us winning" I spoke softly unsure I glanced up at the prisioner who's mouth twisted in to a small smile "Perhaps, the odds are uncertain but you could. There's a chance I mean you have quite the cunning leader" I nodded processing the new information "perhaps" I whispered

(Errors POV)

I grew angrier  and angrier the more my servant read the report I gripped my fist and slammed it on the table causeing my servants to yelp "DaRNIT wE NeED TO gET RID Of ThAT GENo ITs ThE OnlY wAY To GeT in tO ReApERs HeAD To MaKE HiM WEAK So PlEASE InFoRM OUR neIgHbOR FoREnET thaT VeNdEtTa Is NoT GoInG DOwN WiTh OuT a FIgHT." I growled He nodded shaking and writing down the information before bowing and leaving.

I rubbed my temple "Once we over take there kingdom first job will be getting ink back the castle is madness with out him.

I shuffled through some files and finally found what I'm looking for One of my brainwashed spy's closet to the North's kingdoms file I'm gonna need information soon clicking my fingers  a maid appeared and handed me a paper and pen and then stood by waiting for a next command

I wrote down in code so it would go undetected eventually I folded it and handed it to her "GeT  It OfF aS SoOn As YoU CaN." She nodded and hurried off. Standing up I walked to the window hands behind back the Harbor was filled with war ships preparing to launch tonight at the stroke of midnight. "ILl EnJoY sEeInG ThEre DeAtH But BeFoRE wE KiLl ThEM I wANT ThE UN KILLABLE king To KNeEl BeFoRE me RiGHT BeFoRE I ExACuTe HiM."

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