Chapter 11

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(Genos POV)

I awoke to a buzz in my head and blurry vision well at least one eye the other eye was completely black. I coughed feeling horrible pain all over my body. The muffled voices are what brought me back to reality "OH my Goodness geno! Please! Comeback to me...I need you... don't leave me alone again..."

It wasn't enough as I was yet again consumed by darkness

The next time I awoke I was fully aware what was happening I was staring at the ceiling confused. Gritting my teeth I sat up with such great effort. There my eyes well eye was met with Reaper asleep in a chair his head resting on the side of the wall his soft snores the only noise in the room but  let me tell you he looked terrible but at least he was sleeping soundly I almost didn't want to wake him up but I cleared my throat and prodded at his arm.

He stirred saying a very quite "what?" Midway it cracked through his word he sounded so broken and I wanted nothing more then to hug him which I happily did almost falling off the small bed from trying to stretch so far I ignored the screaming pain in my chest and I wrapped my arms tightly around his chest relived that he was safe.

"W-what? GENO?!" His voice sounded hoarse but he yelled anyways absolute stunned and wrapped his arms around me tightly after realizing fully that it was me.

(Reapers POV)

I couldn't believe it I almost didn't want to let go Afraid this was another twisted dream. These past few days I've bin such a mess Geno wouldn't wake up our plan failed.


No no NO NO NO I can't let them kill me not yet. I thought pushing the blade away from me with one last effort I kicked the person off and landed a blow to the shoulder with my blade making them go limp. That's when I heard a ear piercing scream in agony Whirling around I saw Geno drop to the floor in a pool of blood.

my jaw dropped as I felt rage putting on my gas mask I rushed at Error attacking with all I had and it worked for a while but he stabbed my arm and retreated while I was down.

I felt my self getting pulled up "Sir we have to leave! There's to many!" I nodded hissing in pain "get geno I'll be fine" "but sir-" "That's a order!"

(Present Reapers POV)

I was deep in thought Everyone thought Geno was dead he revived a blow so bad that he was put in to a dead like state The chemical Error blasted in Genos face was supposed to be lethal sealing Genos fate yet Hear he is But with a huge internally bleeding scar and some weird thing over his eye and around him.

"Love are you okay?" I asked unsure on how to approach him on this situation dose he notice? I thought "Am I okay? AM I OKAY?! Your the one who looked like they hadn't slept in over a week!" "Actually two" I muttered "Wait how long have I bin out?" "Two week and six days" I said reliving those past few days they where pure agony I was so emotionally unstable that I couldn't handle worrying about Geno and running the kingdom. I had to put Dream in charge until I was okay again.

"Reaper?" I looked up and met his one eye "What happened?"

After I told him he started crying which worried me "What's wrong please don't cry" I said "I can't help it I just feel so bad for worrying you so much." He said in between sobs  I laughed wiping away his tears with my thumb "it's alright I'm just glad your safe." I pulled him in to another long hug as Genos crying switched to a mixture of hiccups and soft laughter.

(Hears a warm and fuzzy chapter because just saying next chapter is gonna be a tough one 😂 bye for now~Random out!"

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