Chapter 13

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(Genos POV)
It's so boring in this room I thought desperate for any sort of entertainment but I was bed bound till they figure out how to sort my issue.

I got to admit I've grown used to the glitch thing over my eye, is that what I'm calling it a glitch? I guess so but anyways it didn't appear I'm dying yet so I guess I'm just internally bleeding permanently?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard hurried running down the hall and shouts sitting up I stretched to see what's going on through the petit door way but all I could see was the shadows over soldiers? Running down which was odd.

Reaper better not being heading out again I heaved a sigh going against the doctors and Reapers orders to slip out of bed I winced placing a hand over my mouth and I coughed up more blood.

I have to stop him I need to be determined. Shuffling down the hall I felt nearly depleted of energy till I saw the  edge of Reapers cloak go in to the office hurriedly I made a break for it.

Entering the room I threw my self at him catching him off guard "wha-Geno?!?l I rested my chin on his chest looking up at him and smiled sheepishly "hi." "Your supposed to be getting better!" "I know but I heard a commotion going on and I was worried about you." I replied searching Reapers gaze he was tense and seemed angry.

"Did error do something?" Reaper didn't say anything but his look said it all "what did he do?!" "He brainwashed goth.. he fled to there kingdom" reaper said quietly.

I gasped "your joking? Right??!" He shook his head "I'm getting him back and I'm ending this I destroyed one Tyrant I'm sure I can destroy another.Dreams already attacking with his group."
"I'm coming with you"  he seemed baffled at my request "no. Absolutely not." He said sternly "I'm not letting you go off on your own remember what happend last time You died!" I said standing up shakily taking a step back "And did you see what happend now?!? You almost died heck your still in danger of dying!" He gestured to my wound "I need to go I have all right to be there just as much as you do."

Reaper stopped him self from arguing he new how stubborn Iam and that he wouldn't change my mind "fine" he breathed "but any sign of trouble for you I'm sending you back no question" I nodded happily and hugged him tightly "love you" I mumbled he chuckled "I love you too."

(Next chapter is gonna be a long one just saying but I might release it today who knows but anyways byeeee)

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