Chapter 15

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(Genos POV)

"So finally I get to show you the wonderful design I picked out for you my dear" Said mettaton they grinned eagerly "I swear if it's a dre-" "Its a dress!!" They finished my sentence eagerly.

But I was gone as soon as they said the word I was sprinting down the hall full speed not wanting to be humiliated in a dress.

"GENO!" I heard them yell behind me then I got grabbed by the waist "Your a runaway already? Geez I thought that usually happens at the actual wedding" I heard Reapers voice And I imidiently covered my eyes since it's bad luck and I've had a enough of that lately.

"NUUUUU" I whined trying to wiggle out of Reapers grasp but he slung me over his shoulder and started walking back to where I ran from "why did he run away?" Asked reaper to I assume he was talking to mettaton "about not wanting to were a dress" I heard him chuckle and I pouted crossing my arms "This isnt fair how come I didn't get a say in this?" I asked "hush now the adults are talking " Reaper replied firmly but had a hint of humour in his voice.

When Reaper left to probably continue getting ready I argued a bit more but agreed eventually. "Finally darling, I thought i would have had to force you in to that dress" I rolled my visible eye light "can I at least see it before I make a final decision?" They nodded okay close your eyes and I'll help you put it on.

I did so as they got the dress on me. I already felt utterly ridiculous but I bit back any bitter remarks not to hurt mettatons feelings.

When mettaton finally seemed satisfied they pulled me in to a unknown direction until they said "Alright open your eyes" and once I did I couldn't believe it.

The dress didn't have any sleeves so I was praying it would stay up. But it had red on the torso which went  down to my back and then on the back of the dress in a thin line then to the very bottom of it which lined the whole bottom of the dress which went in a up and down pattern more up at the front part of it. On the front it was white and lined white on the top of the torso part of it. Grey patterns where stitched in to it tying it all together.

I gasped surprised "this is amazing!" I said shocked at how well it looked " I know I know I out did my self and to think I made this design in the middle of a war zone!" I chuckled "you know what if I'm gonna we're a dress I might as well own it!" "There's the right attitude " giggled mettaton "but im not wedding heels I can barely walk in normal shoes never mind ones that are elevated." I stared at the mirror realizing my wound "how did u get it to not bleed through?" I asked thinking back to my poor shirts plagued with a red streak down the middle.

"Don't worry about that now dear I'll be back I have to probably help reaper with his tie he's hopeless at stuff like that" and then they where gone.

I admired mettatons handy work when the door got kicked open causing me to jump "AGH" I yelled I whirled around and saw dream with stars in his eyes in complete awe then I looked at the poor door now on the ground "rest In  pieces door" I said flatly Dream Looked back "I'm sorry but I was just so excited I'll pay for it though" then he rushed to me and hugged me tightly "oh I can't believe your gonna be married!!!" I choked "can't breath Dream! Can't breath!" "Oh sorry!" He let go and I sighed in relief "

"So how do I look?" I asked? Giving jazz hands "you look amazing! I can't wait for you guys to get married!" I giggled "I think your more excited then me" "probably cause weddings are amazing!! Especially when your best friend is getting married!!" I laughed harder.

(Reapers POV)

Once mettaton helped me fix my tie they spoke over how it will go. After that ordeal I went to where the wedding will take place and of course it was busy. guards and wedding planners where helping make everything perfect there even was a crowd of my citizens gathering excitedly with  both the former east citizens who now stay within my kingdom since we all agreed to make one kingdom instead of four.

"Oh my king! Everything is almost ready" I nodded giving a warm smile which shocked the young servant who bowed quickly before returning to there duty's

As long as it's ready in time before sunset I thought looking at the view Geno has no idea where the location is but I'm sure he will love it once he gets hear. Though Iam sad Goth won't be joining us he's still recovering from the trauma he went through but he will be up and ready to torture the staff in no time with his games.

(Genos POV)
"Are you ready?" Asked a maid who helped me in to the carriage I nodded a bit nervous "don't worry sir, oh I almost forgot" she handed me a bouquet of roses of all different types "you almost forgot these" I thanked her and off we went I wasn't sure where the wedding is but Reaper was sure that I would like it.

When we arrived in town I was blind folded per request of reaper as to not ruin the surprise. The carriage stopped and I heard the door open I also heard the murmur of the crowd causing me to grow even more nervous apparently people from all over came to see this.

The driver untied the blind fold and I couldn't help but be in awe, it's where me and reaper had our first in counter though it had bin touched up the wall was less crumbly but yet the view It was still the same a beautiful sunset. but that wasn't the only thing that caught my eye Reaper awaited at the end looking nervous as well.

I giggled quietly this is the first time I've seen him look this nervous, I walked down drawing the attention of everyone Reaper was awe stuck at me before his smile widens.

When I walked to the end I couldn't stop smiling I didn't even hear the person speaking I was to focused on how this is it. everything that's happened has all came down to this moment and boy was it worth it. It feels like a life time ago since me and Reaper first met Hear but I'm just happy out of all the horrible things that has happened in my life this moment makes up for it all.

We read each other our vows before the person spoke "do you geno take King Reaper to be your husband" I smiled wider "I do." I said with out hesitation "do you Reaper take geno to be your Er Husband wife?" He laughed "yes I do." "Then by the power invested in me you may kiss " Reaper leaned in and kissed me sweetly, people where clapping and cheering I looked to the side at dream and Cross.

Dream was sobbing from how his OTP finally married  while Cross was clapping and trying to comfort his lover.

This was a perfect end to a long long story but I couldn't have asked for it to be any better.

The after party was just as great as the wedding. I was dancing with reaper he twirled me around I accidentally stepped on his feet a couple of times but he insisted that it was okay. "you look stunning my dear" he said with such love in his words no flirty tone was to be heard I blushed and laughed "Your not so bad your self" I joked "do you know what happened to that key anyways?" Asked reaper I shrugged "dont know dont care all that matters is that I'm Hear dancing with the one I love " I said plainly pulling reaper in to another kiss.



The now abandoned castle loomed over the city silently I stepped inside with out hesitation the place was raided I just hope that it isn't to late and that no one stole it.

Alas it's still there the key, grabbing it tightly I headed to the chemical filled room careful not to stand on the spilled pots of liquid as I headed to a unknown room in the back that only error New of.

Inside sat a small metal box with a key hole.unlocking it was a folder of papers,recipes from Errors father of even worse weapons imaginable that could be the end of the world as we know it.

With out hesitation I took out my lighter watching the flame ignite on the old forgotten paper.dropping it I watched it burn momentarily before turning to leave I'm glad I got hear before anyone else did I thought I could trust my son to use the key. I'll give him a break though and let him enjoy his wedding before I reveal my self.

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The official end

(Thank you to everyone that has supported this series from the very beginning I hope you enjoyed this ending if people want I could make a one shot of the after story in my new one shot  afterdeath  book but anyways this is the end)

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