Chapter 9

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(Nightmares POV)

"Sir sir! Word from your brother!" I glanced up shooting a glare the guard flinched he bowed and handed me the letter scanning over it I chuckled coldly

"Awe isn't that cute my brothers part of a team"
I spoke with venom in my tone to no one In particular  standing up and walking to the table with intricately places pieces on it. I moved around the small game pieces so now the pieces where split in half instead of four different sections. how ever noteably one side had a unfair advantage I Turned to my guard  with a malicious grin how about we level the playing field?" They gulped in fear "Sir I advise you shouldn't get involved I-" I slammed the guard against the wall with one of my tenticals I was in my goo form My Cursed form. "you dare question me?" I hissed "N-no sir! I" he started choking but managed to get words out "I-I just wanted t-to advise y-you of the disadvantageds i-it will have" smirking I released him he fell to his knees gasping and coughing "You know I always envied my Brother he got all the attention from my parents the only time they bothered over me. Was when I faked my own death. They despised me because of what Iam What this form is They Resented me." "I'm sure they didn't-" "Shut up!" "my brother got everything he ever wanted now it's time for me to get what I want."

(Genos POV)
"You okay?" I asked Reaper holding his arm worried he snapped out of his trance humming a response before replying "Oh yeah I'm fine dear." He put a hand under his chin and leaned in to kiss me. Moments like these I wanted to last forever it made me forget how bitter the world is I wrapped my arms around his neck. they where such happy moments always putting a smile on my face but.. KNOCK KNOCK they never last. Reaper pulled away looking annoyed but grudgingly walked to the door sighing and much to my dismay a guard awaited with news "My kings,Word from the battle ground is that the masks worked King Errors soldiers are retreating so I think now would be a excellent time to pull a attack on his kingdom"

Reaped nodded looking back at me I clutched my arm nervously not wanting to head  back to that wretched place. "What ever it will take to win then I'm in" I spoke Reaper looked back at the guard "organize a team we will head shortly." He nodded bowing then leaving.

"You can always stay Hear if you want?" Reaper said walking back to me with a soft smile Hes changed so much from the man I met so long ago "And miss you kicking Errors butt No way." I giggled he chuckled in response "I want you behind me at all times though if anything happens to you I don't know what to do." He rested his forehead against mine I met his eye and smiled softly "I'll be fine."


It started raining about 10 mine or so but it was already started pouring it down "They couldn't have picked a better day." I said sarcastically Reaper laughed "Oh I know it's just soooo lovely out I'm praticly basking in the sun." I rolled my eye light giggling even some guards and soldiers laughed along at our sarcastic humour.

But all laughing stopped when we approached our destination. all this carefully planing and hard work lead up to this There shouldn't be soldiers around the borders since Dream and his team used full force to attack the Other side of its borders.

"I hope everything goes to plan" I whisper to Reaper our horses the only sound that could barly be heard over the pouring rain and thunder.

"You and me both." reaper replied a hint of unsureness wavers in his voice I glanced at the soldiers they looked nervous though some wore brave faces. I smiled we have a great team everything will be fine.

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