shack a lack

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uhh I just realise the last chapter is damn short and its also a cliffhanger which makes me a huge asshole so uh

an: I aLSO forgot bill can teleport so fuck me but iT JUST SI HAPPENS that bill forgot too

bill ran as fast as he could to the shack, dipper nuzzled into his arms. this could have been a chaotic moment of reunion. it could have been that moment where bill and dipper had an awkward conversation where they both beat around the bush before finally admitting they were both sorry for what had happened and both realised that the other wasn't angry or hurt. and then they would kiss and- bill! stop focusing on what didn't happen, and focus on what did!!!!!!!!!

bill shook tbe fantasies from his head. he needed to focus. despite his peaceful look, the boy in his arms was not just asleep. he knew that. the boy wasnt in the mindscape. bill couldnt sense his presence there.

as you can see, a human conscious need to inhabit a bpdy to exist. for some reason, they chose one where their presence is extremely draining on the body. honestly its pretty dumb to have bodies where your conscious literally slowly kills your body day after day. but, who was bill to say this when he chose a human form the second he woke up. anyways, when a human sleeps, their body repairs itself from day to day. while it does that, the human mind goes to the mindscape, as it needs to be able to exist somewhere. its like a human mind daycare, or better yet, nightcare. but, there's a catch. you need a tether to be able stay in the mindscape, or else you would dissapate. your body is that tether.

basically, the human mind drains the body, so it has to shut down from time to time. when it does, it acts like a tether for your human conscious when they go to the mindscape, which is a human conscious nightcare.

bill couldn't sense dippers conscious in the mindscape.

he ran towards the shack, with the boy in his arms. if he couldn't save dipper, there was a chance sixer could. god, he was gonna take that chance.

finally, after so much filler content, err,, I mean running, he suddenly remembered he had all his abilities back and could teleport. so, with a snap of his fingers, he was right inside Ford's lab, startling the old man and causing him to tumble. bill, having gotten his sense back, froze Ford's limbs with another snap of his fingers, such as to stop him from immediately attacking him before he had a chance to explain his business.

" sixer."

the mans eyes widened as he recognised the yellow hair boy to be his immortal enemy, the bill cipher. trembled in fear, like a deer caught in headlights, faced with the full power of bill. however, the death he imagined did not come. he was perfectly comfortable in his position, and immediately suspicious of bills intentions. suddenly, he saw dipper lying in bills arms, he immediately tensed more, somehow. his grandnephew. what does bill want with dipper? what did he do to him? the old man found he could suddenly speak, and starting voicing out these questions as boldly and threateningly as he could.

"Bill! what did you do to him? why are you carrying him? how for you escape your statue? oh god, are you going to unleash the apocalypse again? you have every shred of your power back!"

bill wanted to roll his eyes, but was too clouded with panic over the boy.

" sixer, I know I know but please just listen..."

the pleading tone in the demons voice took ford by surprise. he began to notice his voice having the all too familiar strain of crying, and finally saw the blur at the corner of his eyes, another indication of crying. remorse? that was very... odd. but still, does kept his mind sharp and suspicious, for it could all be a ploy, despite the dripping sincerety in his voice.

"sixer- no, Stanford, you gotta help him, I cant feel his presence in t...the mindscape,, and... and I need him back, please six- standford, pleAse!" bills voice cracked as he continued to plead, no longer caring about anything but the sleeping boy in his arms.

Ford couldn't believe his eyes or ears at what he had heard. however, he still had to save dipper, and any information on what had happened to him would have been useful. he felt his invisible chains unbound, and warily stretched his joints. he wanted to grab his gun and shoot bill, but with dipper in the way, he couldnt get a clear shot. he was so close to finally defeating his enemy.

he flinched as bill took a step forward. Bill lay dipper down on an empty table, and stood close to him, worrying.

for now, ford decided to stop his plan to shoot him. he had reasoned that if bill were lying and was planning to take over the world, he would have already done so, since he had all his power at his fingertips and didn't even have a need to interact with any human to start another weirdmaggedon.

without taking an eye off of bill, cord began to ask questions to discover more of dippers condition.

"first of all, what happened?" ford needed the circumstances to be able to know what happened. bill bowed his head and began explaining how he had woken up from the statue and found dipper hanging on to his arm, his legs covered in cuts and blood.

" I healed him immediately but then I noticed he was asleep but not in the mindscape. "

ford found the story suspicious, but it made sense.

"then I know what's wrong. dippers conscious had been displaced. his consciousness is tethered to his body but its been displaced to somewhere else."

bill twitched nervously. where was dippers conscious?! if not in the mindscape then what god awful place?

ford clicked a switch. a wall moved up to show a large machine, which ford wheeled over to dippers sleeping form. it scanned him, and a three dimensional hologram popped up, lighting up the dim room as it surrounded the three in the room. a sort of map of space appeared, with multiple labeled planets spinning in the space.

ford immediately launched into a serious and lengthy explanation of the machine.

"this machine seems like a map of space, but its actually a map of the different realms. it can show us the whereabouts of dippers conscious."

"this-" he pointed to the boy icon in the hologram, " is a representation of dippers body. if I select it, the machine can show me the tether of dippers conscious to his body." the man clacked a few buttons on the machine, and a beam of light, like a rope, appeared from dippers body, disappearing a couple of meters above the boy. bills eyes widened, as ford went on more about the machines capabilities.

"here's a visual representation from the machine on dippers tether. since everyone's tether is different, like fingerprints, many people back in the day used them to learn about the personalities of people. you cant physically move or touch the tether, but if you separate your conscious you could interact with it, and you would be able to follow it, but that's if you can separate your conscious from your body."

bills glanced over at the man for a moment before turning back to dipper. he could separate his conscious, but who knows what ford would do to him if he left.

luckily, ford clicked on some buttons and continued his ramble. on the space hologram ariund them, a line appeared from the hologram of the boy, who was standing on a planrt labeled "reality". the line reached out, occasionally coiling around planets. as bills eyes followed the line, he noticed that it went right past the planet labeled the mindscape. no, it went further beyond that.

the machine rumbled as the hologram shifted its view of the orbits to show more and more planets floating in a large ring, with "reality" in the center. bills eyes were still following the line that coiled around the specks in the space, and finally, it ended in abruptly, just a circle attached to the end.

bill stilled. dippers mind was in the nightmare dimension.

an: while I was writing, the Bill Song come on,(I cant decide by the scissors sistors)and gave me + 10 billdip points. fire.

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