this is embarrassingly romantic?

54 5 7

authors note: last chapter y'all good night

dipper stared at the fancy venue. there was a classy backdrop around them, and a gentle theme of black and yellow, as expected of bill. wearing the same suit as he usually did, bill grabbed dippers hands, causing dipper to realise he wasnt wearing his usual vest and shorts. No, he was in an incredible brown suit, with a striped tie, and a tuxedo coat with triangle buttons. shit. this lighting kinda makes bill look kinda... hot... (hotter than usual? ;3)

just then, dipper realised bill was still holding his hand. his face felt like it was set on fire, but oddly, dipper seemed to notice a tiny bit of pink on bills face. usually, it wasnt weird at all for them to hold hands or anything and they used to do it all the time, just for the sake of holding hands. But right now, it felt like something far more, far more than the simple meaningless gesture they had exchanged so many times. like electric, bill swayed him over to the dance floor. and brought him into a dip. bill snapped his fingers, and suddenly soft, elegant music played. "just follow me, pinetree," bill said in a soft, husky and SEXY voice. shit. uhhhhhh oh fuck it hes really hot right now.

stumbling, dipper tries to match bills movements and ends up failing, but bills smooth moves and his ability to catch dippers mistakes saved the whole show. a show just for the two of them. as dipper got the hang of it, he started being less confused and started having more fun. it was weird, a strange thing that bill would take him out dancing, but dipper was having so much fun, just spending time with bill, dancing with him. to spin around, and to just let go while bill held him close, it was a magical feeling. wait, bill was HOLDING ME? in his arms? holy fucking shit. what. oh god.

as the song comes to a close, bill stared deeply into dippers eyes, "i know you wanted to fuck me so bad, but at least let me take you to dinner first." he smirked that sexy grin, but his face immediately flared red, even to the tips of his ears. regardless, bill still somehow managed to snap his fingers and summon in a table with food to complete the joke, without covering his face or even looking a millimetre away from dipper.(holy fuck that takes balls okay???)


"isnt that what you wanna do to me?-"

" B I L L N O"

"i mean i did give you a boner guess i am just as hot as i say"

bill gave that stupid smirk again. that sexy smirk. the one thats so hot that- OH SHIT NOT A-FUCKING-GAIN. dipper blushed even worse. now he had a boner again, all because of bills fucking smirk. and his lips, wow they look so kissable and i wanna kiss them holy shit ive got it bad havent i.

bill leaned closer toward dipper. his eyes softened, and in one movement, he moved his soft hand to cup dippers face, and he leaned closer, and clos- SLAM


bill sat across dipper, staring as he gingerly held a magic ice pack against his black and swollen eye. bill sighed as dipper slowly chewed some of the food bill had summoned in.

"wow this hurts a lot" bill mentioned bitterly

"is there anything I can do to make it better?"


"look bill, im sorry okay? I was just really surprised at the move you were making-" dipper muttered in apology, when bill raised his voice


"bill it was an ACCIDENT I SAID I WAS SORRY"

bills eyes flashed, with an idea.

"you know what dipper, actually there is something you could do"

bill leaned over the table, discarding the ice pack

"you could kiss it to make it feel better"

dippers face flushed, but he knew he had to make it up to bill, and this was the least he could do.

leaning in, dipper hesitantly moved in to kiss bills eye. crap ill be kissing his face holy crap oh my god what do I do uhhh, suddenly, bill moved up his face, looked dipper in the eyes, and smashed his lips onto hi- SLAP


authors note too: he only woke up the first time because he was so shocked. shut up bitches

authors note: psych its actually tommorow hahah suck it

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