uhhhhhhhh what is a sleep

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mabel stared. she stared, at the sleep deprived boy, wearing his hat backwards, holding his usual strange book in one hand, and a full jug of coffee in the other. she had been seeing this for a few days now, her twin, dipper, holding a full jug of coffee. it was always full. she had seen him take large drinks most of the time but no one at the shack had ever seen him refill it. how was it possible? even now, as he took a swig, the level of coffee had not changed. it was... unnatural. he hadn't slept for days. mabel had to do something. she was really worried about him and honestly, the coffee thing was scaring her. how did he even do that. its not physically possible. regardless, mable started an extraordinary and flawless plan, to trick her brother into sleeping. she began her work.

hours later, dipper walked into the attic, holding a ridiculous letter covered in glitter and stickers. it read; " hey dipstick!! its me, your best twin sister ever, mabel!! you know, you've been feeling down lately, so I wanted to surprise you! with a cool gift. I left it on your bed!! go find it!!!"
even though the obvious intents of this letter would usually never slip past dipper, a man of the mind, he had not slept in 4 days. shuffling into the room, he got on the bed, only to find a piece or candy. his favourite, triangle shaped lemon sweets. thinking it was a nice surprise from mabel, he picked it up. it set of a cascade of actions. first, the string attached to the candy(which dipper also failed to notice) pulled on book on the bookshelf. it fell unto a seesaw, which caused a stick to push a balloon, which collided into a pendulum that swung and hit pushed down a wooden block, which released a frying pan on a string, that swung down, at jsut the right force and speed to knock out dipper- who was already asleep from laying on the bed sucking the triangle lemon sweet for a few minutes. mabel then ran into the room and whisper shouted, " Yes!!! mission accomplished! you'll thank me later dipper!"

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