Chapter 1

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You had always been a loner, ever since you were a child. It was most likely because of your trust issues and anxiety holding you back from even interacting with others, let alone form a stable friendship. Though, as a child you thought you would soon grow out of it, and have a good life. Well, you were wrong.
At the age of twenty, you had been diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety, anorexia, and bulimia. You were underweight, tired all the time, and absolutely hated the way you looked. You had the outfit of a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, a pair of jeans, and sneakers to cover your body from head to toe. In hot weather you would get strange looks for your sweatshirt and jeans, but you didn't care. You only thought you were doing them a favor not letting them see your body.
  The only thing you truly loved in this world was the band Gorillaz. You loved their music and a little something else, but we will get back to that later. You wished every day that you could some how be in that band, but in the back of your mind, you told yourself that you weren't good enough, and that you wouldn't deserve it. Of course you acknowledged the voice, but you wouldn't let it stop you from wishing. Soon enough, you would be glad that you kept wishing, because soon it would become reality.
  Uggghhhhh I'm so sorry you just had to read that but wHATEVER. Thank you for reading this all the way through if you did. It means a lot to me :)
Also, I realized I needed to change things up a bit in chapter 2 to make it a bit more realistic, so if you didn't read the "summary" then the news is you live in London. Just to clear that up a bit :)

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