Chapter 8

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  You woke up at 12 pm to someone screaming at someone else.
  "FACE ACHE! WHY CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!" someone shouted. By the voice, you knew this was Murdoc. You groaned as you got up, knowing you would have to face Murdoc while trying to stand up for 2-D (because you cared about him).
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" 2-D replied weakly to Murdoc. You got up and walked down to where the shouting came from.
"What the hell is this about?" you shouted to the both of them when you got to them. From what you could see, they were in the middle of a recording session. Murdoc has his shoe right above 2-D's head and 2-D had his arms above his head preparing for the shoe to strike him.
As Murdoc saw you, he dropped his shoe.
"Face Ache over here can't sing correctly! Ever!" he shouted.
"2-D can sing perfectly fine, better than anyone else I've ever heard!" you shouted back. Hearing this, 2-D started to blush a little from the compliment.
"You are just another one of those fan girls that would date 2-D without question if you had the chance! It means almost nothing coming from a fangirl because when you soon enough get over him, you wouldn't care what happened to him!" Murdoc said.
"First of all, I'm not a crazy fangirl, second of all, a compliment means something from a person that actually cares- it doesn't matter if they are some hardcore fangirl or if they are just a little bit of a fan, and third of all, anyone with a tiny bit of human decency would care what happens to someone!" you shouted. The first fact was bending the truth a bit, but you weren't crazy. After your speech, everyone was silent. You then went back to your room and just kinda sat on your bed.
"You could get fired for that you know?" you thought.
"That doesn't matter. As long as I stood up for 2-D, everything will be fine from my prospective," you thought. You then heard a knock on your bedroom door.
"Who is it?" you groaned.
"It's me, 2-D" you heard a squeaky voice reply.
"Come in," you replied. 2-D came in and closed the door behind him and walked towards where you were sitting.
"I just wanted to fank yew fo' standin' up fo' me. It means a lot," he said, sitting next to you.
"No problem. Hey, where were the others while that was happening? Do they ever help you?" you replied.
"Well, I fink the others where in their rooms. They don't really help me though, so it doesn't really matter," he said. You sat there in silence for a little bit. Out of habit, you started to lay your head on 2-D's shoulder, pondering on what to say next. 2-D noticed that your head was on his shoulder, so he tensed up a bit and started blushing a light tint of pink. You noticed him tensing up, and sat up again embarrassed.
"S-sorry! I shouldn't have done that and made you uncomfortable," you said, thinking he would be all awkward about it and it would lead up with an awkwardly painful silence.
"O-oh, it's fine. Yew can lay yewr head back down," he replied. This reply made you shocked, since you thought it would not really end well. You laid your head back down on his shoulder and felt comfort and safety for the first time in a long time. He then laid his head on your head, making you feel even more tingly inside. You two just sat there for a little while, and stared out of your window together.

O w O 630 words that's the longest chapter. Thank you for being patient with this chapter. 96 views? I m s h o o k . H o w ? Thank you all for reading this chapter 'till the very end. It means a lot :)

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