Chapter 4

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It was a couple days after the auditions had been done, and you were starting to think they had already chosen the person to be the backup vocalist. You sighed and sat on your couch and turned on your TV.
"See? I told you they were lying! Why would anyone choose you?" you thought to yourself. Tears where springing up in the corners of your eyes, knowing you had humiliated yourself in front of your favorite band.
"What are going to do now, cry? You already knew it would happen!" you thought to yourself. To distract yourself, you turned off the TV and got on your phone. You were scrolling through social media. Then, an idea popped in your mind.
"I could just look at the Gorillaz page and see if they announced it on there! Why didn't I think of this before?" you told yourself. You then went on to the Gorillaz page and saw what you where hoping for. Though, it was MUCH more than what you had hoped for. The post read, "If (Y/N) (L/N) would please DM us, it would be greatly appreciated."
  Your heart leapt for joy as you squealed joyfully.
  "I can't believe this is happening! I'm gonna be in the band!" you squealed.
  "Maybe you are reading it wrong. They can't possibly have picked you of all people," you thought to yourself.
It could've been a possibility, but you didn't care. You went straight to messaging the band.
  "Hi! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," you messaged them. For what seemed like an eternity (when in reality was only 3 minutes),you waited for a response.
  "Oh, hello there! The whole band thinks you did amazing on your audition, so we will be happy to recruit you as our backup vocalist!" their message read.
  "Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for recruiting me! I will be happy to work with you! In that case, where do we meet up to record every time we need to?" you reply, squealing even louder with joy.
  "Oh, well since your part of the Gorillaz band now, you will have to move in with us. For convince," the next message read. You couldn't believe what you were seeing right now. You had just become the backup vocalist for Gorillaz AND you were moving in with them!
  "Oh well in that case, when do I move in?" you respond.
  "Well, in about a week I suppose. This way you'll have time to pack," the response read.
  "Alright! Again, thank you so much!" you texted back. Right then and there, you started to pack your things. Of course you would be a tiny bit sad you would be leaving your apartment behind, but you were going to move in somewhere WAY better. You were moving in with the Gorillaz.

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