Chapter 5

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  You had just finished packing all of your things together and were putting it in the moving van that was going to drive you to Kong Studios. You were filled with excitement and anxiety.
  "What if they don't like you? What if you make a bad impression of you to them? What if they think you're stupid? What if they hate you so much to the point of kicking you out?" so many questions, yet so little answers. When you were finally done, you agreed with the driver of the moving van that you would follow them to Kong Studios in your car.
Half way through the drive, you realized something.
"Hey, this van could be leading me somewhere no where near Kong Studios and could easily drive me to some ghetto town and speed off with my stuff," you thought. This thought would stick with you for the rest of the ride. Along with this thought, you thought about how you would present yourself. Of course, you had seen them once before, but that was when you were trying out, and you were only singing with the tiniest bit of talking. But you can always tell how a person is when they talk, so you wondered how that played out in their minds.
2-D's POV
(NEWSFLASH I'm not even going to attempt to do his accent for the most part. Sorry about that. If I learn how to do it correctly later on in the future I'll edit it in. I'll have small parts of his accent in his dialogue. Sorry (/;◇;)/) I over heard Mudz talkin' about having that girl move in with us. She seemed nice enough, not to mention pretty. Wait, dat sounds weird. I only just met 'er! I didn't even have a full conversation with 'er yet! Eh, whatever. I fink what I wanna fink!
Your POV
When we arrived at Kong Studios, a H U G E rush of relief ran through me. I was so glad that the truck driver didn't strand me. You ran up to the door, prepared yourself for interacting with your favorite band and not look like some insane fan girl, and knocked.

U g h sorry for not writing yesterday. I had a sleepover with my cousin and I feel asleep before I could write another chapter (/;◇;)/ Sorry!

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