Chapter 7

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  You woke up at around 3 AM due to a splitting headache.You slowly opened your eyes to an unfamiliar place. It took a little while for you to realize it, but you remembered the events of yesterday. Being calmed down, you tried to get up and out of your bed, but something held you back. You looked down on yourself to find 2-D's arm holding you. You started blushing bright red (for obvious reasons) and began to slowly move his arm so you could get up. You tried your best not to wake him, and you succeeded in doing so. You were so relieved that you didn't wake him up, because then you would feel bad about it for the next few months. You got up and started looking for your headache pills.
  "You know, you could just overdose and give someone actually worthy of being the backup vocalist. They could've just picked you because they felt bad and now they regret it. You would probably be doing them a favor," you thought. You started re-thinking this thought over and over again. That is, until someone interrupted your thought.
  "(Y/N)? What are yew doin' up this early?" 2-D spoke groggily. You shot your head towards him, startled.
  "O-oh um, I just have a headache. I'm looking for my pills. Sorry," you replied.
  "Oh, okay then. Hey, I'm goin' to go in my bed now. Sorry for falling asleep in yewr bed," 2-D said. With that he got got up and went to his room. Luckily, by that time you had found your pills. You found some water and drank it with your pills. You went into your bed, and tried to fall asleep. That thought from earlier was keeping you up, so you finally fell asleep at around 5 AM.

  O o f this chapter was mediocre at best and I'm not really proud of it, but hey, I tried. Sorry for not updating, I had writers block and I'm lazy soooo. Also, more than 50 reads? ¿ Q u é ? Thank you guys sooooooo much!

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