Chapter 8

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I stood in front of the mirror as I rubbed my hand over my stomach, its been a month since I have been in Hogwarts. Remus only knows I am pregnant, I will have to tell them soon since I am starting to show. Putting my top down, I got my phone and saw a text from her dad. 'Loki is back, he is to help the Avengers with bad guys. Thor is here to make sure he doesn't do anything, he asked about you' I read as I smile happy that he is back.

'Tell him I am safe, I will explain everything when I return' I texted him back as I put my phone in my pocket, an explosion was heard as I go to the window and look out. I saw spells attacking the barrier around Hogwarts, "Everyone report to the great hall" I heard Mr. Dumbledore say as I walked out of the room.

Walking to the hall, I saw a few other students heading towards the hall with their families. I frown seeing Harry and his friends sneaking away, I followed them making sure to keep quiet as they went into a tunnel and I followed them. 'What are they doing?' I thought as I saw them come out, I waited a few minutes and came out.

"Harry this isn't a good idea, your parents will be angry" I heard the girl say, "I am tired of hiding Hermione, he will attack Hogwarts and kill everyone there" he said. I watched them walking out of the building, "Harry potter is here!" I heard as I saw death eaters attacking them. "Someone tell the dark lord" I heard another say, taking out my wand I send out a patronus to Remus. "Harry and his friends trouble, they sneaked out and I followed"  I sent it as held her wand tight.

"Ron!" I heard Hermione shout as I move quick to protect her from a spell, "Pandora" she said in shock as I saw Harry helping his friend. "Go back now, I already informed Remus" I told them, "I am sorry" Harry said as I block the spells, "Go!" I shouted as I watched them run. "Stupify" I heard before everything went black.

Remus's point of view

Hearing Pandora's patronus, I move quick outside the hall as I run towards one of the tunnels. "Uncle Moony" I heard Harry as I saw him come out, "where is Pandora?" I ask while they look guilty, "she told us to run professor" Hermione said. "Follow" I told them as I walk to the great hall where Sirius and Izabelle look worried along with James and Lily.

"Harry!" Lily shouted running over to hug him, "I am so sorry mom" he said while hugging her, "Pandora is not with them" I told them. "They have stopped attacking" Hagrid said running into the hall, "I fear that your daughter has been taking by Tom" Albus told us as I look down seeing Izabelle start crying while Sirius holds her. 

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