Chapter 11

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Waking up, I felt sick as I got up and ran into the bathroom that is connected to my room. After throwing up and washing my face, I heard Sal cry as I move to the crib and carefully pick him up. "Hungry little one" I said as I walk to the kitchen, I made him a bottle while holding him with one arm. I heard the Floo which would be Greyback, "Morning pup" I heard say as I start to bottle feed Sal, "Morning" I told him.

"I brought you clothes" he said as he put a bag on the counter, "thanks...can you finish feeding him?" I ask while he nods and I carefully hand him Sal and the bottle. I take the clothes to the bathroom to shower and change clothing, putting on the light blue sun dress Greyback brought as I walk back down to see Greyback burping Sal.

He hands me Sal as I lightly smile and go sit down on the couch, "the dark lord will be checking on you and Salazar every week" Greyback told me as I look at him, "I understand" I told him as I rock Sal in my arms and hum while leaning back against the couch. 

[QUICK UPDATE: I will be updating Together, Forever soon, I am brainstorming on how to move forward with the story and next chapter we will check up on Remus and the others]

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