Why Didnt You Shoot? Pt. 2

836 26 14

Connor x Female!Reader

- Detective reader

- Caught

- Can't sleep

- coin tricks

I stared at the ceiling, fiddling my thumbs. Hank's couch wasn't the most comfortable, but because we had to be on high alert, we agreed to stay in the same house together in case something popped up and we had to hit the road immediately. I closed my eyes, attempting to think but so many thoughts ran through my head. The biggest one, Connor. 

His smooth voice, and the way his eyes seem to light up when then meet mine. He's just so... Adorable. I rubbed my eyes, some how thinking that'll rid of all thought of the dreamy looking robot. I gently pressed my fingers against my lips, thinking of how Connor kissed me in the car less than three hours ago.

He seemed to genuinely love me, but he's... A machine. The love must be his programming and that kiss must've meant nothing to him. I sat up and pushed the blanket off before standing. Sumo got up from the foot of the couch and went upstairs, most likely going to see his owner. I walked into the kitchen, turning to see the black trash bag tapped into the window pane. I wonder what broke his window. 

I poured myself a glass of water, taking a small sip before gently placing it on the counter. My eyes trailed the details of Hank's kitchen, landing on an Ash tray with a quarter laying in the middle. I reached over and took the quarter into hand, grinning as I thought of Connor's talent. 

I placed it between my fingers before using my thumb to flick it over, clumsily catching it. I heard a small chuckle as I flicked the coin again. I jumped, turning to see Connor leaned up against the wall splitting the kitchen and the living room. His body now covered with a black T-shirt and Men's sleep shorts, plus the added wide smirk on his features. 

"You scared me." I chuckled. He pushed himself from the wall, proceeding to walk toward me. 

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't mean to. I just inquired that you were having some difficulties." He smiled. I let out a breathy chuckle. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, I can do it just fine." I said before flicking it, missing my hand and watching as the coin clung toward Connor. He caught it with ease before walking behind me. He pressed his chest against my back, leaning over me slightly as he wrapped his arms so his hands were displayed in front of me. 

"Use your thumb, and don't use much force." He demostrated, flicking the coin back and fourth a few times. He placed the coin in my palm before placing both of his hands on my biceps, his chin now placed on my shoulder. I inhaled slightly, finding it hard to concentrate on the coin with Connor's warmth pressed against my back. I flicked it, carefully catching it with the other hand and smiling. 

"There you go." He smiled. I turned around so I was now facing him, he didn't step back or anything, instead he moved his hands to my sides. The kitchen turned to a comfortable silence, one that was taken in by looking into a pair of sparkling brown eyes. 

"Detective, I apologize for my behavior 3 hours and 7 minutes ago. The scene has been playing through my head and I feel guilt for pulling you into an action you never wanted to partake." Connor said. I shook my head slightly, 

"I never mentioned that I didn't enjoy the kiss, nor that I never wanted to do it." I explained. Connor broke into a smile before quickly wiping it away, not wanting to show how relieved he was to hear those words.

"You didn't seem very comfortable when we came back to Hank's residence. I felt as though I had made a mistake." Connor explained.

"I was just confused on... Why you did such a thing." I answered.

"Its what I felt was right. When I kissed you, my software went haywire, my whole body felt fuzzy and well... I liked it. I was told that kissing showed affection, well, (Y/N), even though I'm a machine, I want you to know that... I think I love you, and I want to show and give all my affection as possible to you." Connor smiled. I brought a hand up to his cheek, gently cupping it. 

"You're not a machine, Connor. You're alive and well... I think I love you too." I smiled. Connor made another flashed smile before hiding it away. I smiled at his goofiness before leaning up and gently pressing my lips against his. His arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. 

"What the fuck- ew- Jesus fuckin- (Y/N)! You're putting your tongue on something that has licked the blood of a sex andriod." Hank yelled, standing with his dog Sumo at the entrance of the kitchen. Connor pulled away, turning to his partner,

"Correction, I was analyzing." He said.

"You still put her blood in your mouth, Connor! What are you doing with the detective? Analyzing her too?!"

"No, I'm demostraiting my strong affection to her."

"Affection?" Hank scoffed

"Yes, lieutenant, I hav-" 

"It was a rhetorical question." Hank said, turning back into the living room. 

"Oh." Was all Connor said. He released my hips and led me into the living room.

"You should get some sleep, (Y/N)." Connor smiled. 

"Will you sleep with me?" I asked.

"Nuh-uh! You don't fuck andriods in this household!" Hank yelled from the kitchen. 

"I didn't mean it that way dickhead!" I yelled over the back of the couch. I heard him chuckle before mumbling a "whatever" under his breath.

"Yes, (Y/N). I will sleep with you." Connor smiled. 

"Connor, Jesus fuckin-" 

"I will go get your water from the kitchen first." He said before walking over where Hank stood. I turned to the two best buddies, chuckling slightly. 

"Fist me." Connor smiled. 

"I- what the fuck?" Hank asked, turning to the andriod. Connor replied by holding up his fist, waiting for a fist bump.

"right, that's what you- right, okay, god, jesus fucking chr- " Hank mumbled, looking at Connor's hand before turning and leaving him hanging. "Okay, I'm going to bed. You guys just don't fuck or whatever. We'll be looking into the deviants case tomorrow." Hank said, starting his way up the stairs. Connor laid down on the couch, setting up the blanket before raising it. 

"You should really get some sleep, (Y/N) your energy level is lower than I've seen in months." Connor suggested. I sighed before crawling on to the couch, using Connor's arm as a pillow as I snuggled my face into his chest. 

"Good night, Connor." 

"Sleep tight, (Y/N)."

Word count: 1154

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