Grump (Hank x Rose)

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Hank x Rose (give me a moment to laugh my ass off)

- The ship is a joke between me and my GF

Hank cursed, kicking his broken car as he muttered a string of unintelligible gibberish. The snow storm was getting worse by the second. If they don't get this started up soon, they won't make it home. 

"Dad, I think you should take a deep breath, and let me ask for help." Connor suggested. Hank shook his head, 

"Jesus- Don't you have a GPS or something?" Hank asked. 

"No, a GPS must be installed using a travelling pack." Connor answered, "Or of course, you could buy the camping pack. It comes with eye flashlights." Connor smiled, wondering what it would be like to have eyes that could be used to light a path. Hank sighed, looking around the area and ignoring Connor's flashlight talk.

"There's a house over there, the car can stay here in the snow for a while. It's not like this storm is going to die down sometime soon anyways." Hank said, pointing to an outline of a house in the distance. Connor nodded, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around Hank. "Look, you're not my mother." Hank snapped. 

"No, I'm not. But I do care whether or not you get sick." Connor answered. Hank rolled his eyes, starting his walk toward the house. 


Connor knocked on the door, waiting for an answer as Hank hugged himself beside him. He knocked again, louder this time. 

"Detroit polic-! ow." Connor turned to Hank after he hit his arm

"The fuck, Connor?! That's gonna scare them here! We're just looking for help!" Hank snapped. Connor paused,

He knocked again

"Not Detroit Police!" 


The door opened, revealing a short woman in pajamas, seeming to rub her eyes slightly. 

"Gentlemen, it's three in the morning. May I ask what you're doing here?" The lady asked. Hank cleared his throat, stepping foward as to tell Connor he gots this. 

"Our car broke down on our way home from the holidays. We were wondering if you could help us." Hank asked. "Um, my name is Hank." He quickly added. The woman nodded, looking over to Connor and taking note of the yellow flashing LED. 

"We have a spare room upstairs for you, Hank. And the couch is an okay place for Connor to go into sleep mode." She answered, opening the door for the two to walk in. Hank kicked the first step, ridding of any snow that was on his boots before shaking slightly, ridding the snow off his clothes without trying to look like a wet dog drying itself off. They both then entered, standing there akwardly. "My name is Rose, By the way." She added before walking into the kitchen. "Coffee? Or straight to bed?" She asked. 


"Bed." Connor inturrpted. "We have a long drive tomorrow and we both must rest." Connor smiled, being as warm as possible. Rose nodded, before leading Hank up the stairs, 

"I'll show your room." She smiled. 

"Night, Con." Hank waved. 

"Night, Father." Connor waved back. Rose rose an eyesbrow but didn't question their relationship. Hank stripped his outdoor clothing, leaving him in simple T-shirt and jeans. Rose left the room before coming back with a pair of gym shorts. 

"They're my son's. But I'm sure they're comfortable." Rose smiled. Hank took the pair from her hands and smiled. 

"Thank you. For letting us stay here and everything." 

"No problem, Lieutenant." Rose smiled. 


"I've heard a lot of stories about you from my son. He enjoys looking into crime scenes anything cop related, although he freezes up when around anyone from the police force. He's told me about your work on the red ice, and the fact that you're a deviant Hunter." Rose explained.

"Was. Was a deviant Hunter." Hank corrected. 

"Was." Rose chuckled.

"Well, um." Hank chuckled nervously. 

She looked to the bed, noting that it's still close to three in the morning. "Well, I should let you sleep. Night Hank." She said before leaving the room. 

"Night." Hank mumbled. 


"Good morning." Connor greeted, holding up a cup of coffee to Hank while Rose poured herself a cup. Hank gently took the hot drink before taking a sip.

"Morning." He answered with a grumble. 

"Not a morning person?" Rose asked. 

"Not at all." Connor answered for Hank. Hank grumbled again, glaring at Connor from above the rim of his coffee cup. Footsteps then came bouncing down the stairs. 

"Mom-! Wheres-" A teen stopped at the foot of the stairs, eyeing the two guest. "Who they?" He asked. His eyes then landed on Hank, "Y-Youre lieutenant Anderson." He smiled. "The youngest lieutenant to ever make the police force!" He smiled. Hank grinned with a tired expression. 

"In the flesh, Kid." He chuckled. Rose giggled at the sight,

"Hank, Connor, this is my son Adam." Rose smiled. Adam eyes the two, looking at Hank mostly. Hank put his hand out. Adam grabbed his hand with both, shaking it with bright eyes. Connor chuckled, watching the childish interaction. "Connor, why not show Adam how to he a negotiator." Rose smiled. Connor's LED flashed. 

"Me?" He asked. 

"Go ahead." Hank smiled. Connor stood, leading Adam out of the room as they both went upstairs. Hank turned in his seat, looking at Rose who sat across from him at the table. 

"Boys." She smiled. Hank chuckled, listening to their rustling upstairs. 

"For a model who looks 37, he act like a child sometimes. I'm sure they'll get along well."  

"Is there a reason why theyll need to get along well?" Rose asked. 

"I'm sure Connor has already ordered the parts for the car. It'll take a few days for the parts to be mailed to this address." Hank explained. Rose nodded,

"So you'll be here for a few days?" She asked. Hank nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. Rose smiled again, "Welcome then." 

"Thank you. You've been very kind." 

"Pleasure, you're welcome to stay as long as you like."

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