Pet day

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Spinner - Captain Fowler and Sumo (I laughed for a solid 2 minutes)

Writing Prompt - "You repeatedly swipe your security badge at the main entrance but it doesn't work anymore."

Fowler continuously swiped his badge, only for the lock to reply with a denying beep. Fowler sighed, turning to wait for any others who would arrive. Connor walked over, displaying a warm smile.

"Morning, Captain." The android greeted, his hand going to a porcelain white as he placed it on the door.

"Morning Detective Anderson. Um, My key isn't working, so would you mind if I slipped through with you?" Fowler asked. Connor didn't see a problem with it, he is the captain after all. He nodded moving to the side for Fowler to walk through. Hank walked up, a smirk on his features.

"Wait a minute, Fowler. Connor must get something in return for letting you pass under his key."

"Lieutenant, I don't want anything." Connor stated. Hank shushed him, turning to Fowler.

"Are you seriously about to blackmail me because of my broken key?" He asked. Hank nodded. Fowler sighed, turning to the door and swiping his key again.



"Fine, what do you want, Hank?" He asked.

"Connor?" He asked, nudging his android partner. Connor stayed silent, his LED flickering rapidly before going to a bright blue and his face brightening.

"Can we have a pet day?" He smiled. "I like dogs. I want to meet my peers' at home companions."

"That's what you want, Connor?" Hank asked, shaking his head slightly. Connor nodded his head, causing Fowler to let out another sigh.

"Fine, fine. I'll arrange a pet day, just open the goddamn door."

Connor refused to let another happy grin escape as he pressed his hand on the door and all three men went through.


"That's a big ass dog, Anderson." Fowler said, putting his hands in his pockets. Hank chuckled, gently petting the Saint Bernards head.

"Not like you haven't met him before."

"Well, I haven't seen him since he was just a little pup... Sumo, right?" Fowler asked, crouching down to pet Sumo as well.

"Now that I think about it, you haven't seen Sumo since... "

"Yeah, But hey. He's all grown up now into a handsome house dog." Fowler chuckled, quickly changing the topic that went into Hank's head.

"Hank! Help!" Connor yelled. Hank quickly stood, panic clear on his features until his eyes landed on Connor. He sat on the floor, surrounded by multiple dogs bouncing on him and causing a barking mess. Connor let out a laugh, something Fowler had never heard before. "Their tongues tickle!" Connor laughed, falling onto his back. Fowler raised a brow, Android's can be tickled...? Hank smirked,

"Sumo, Attack." Hank said, pointing to Connor. Sumo turned to Fowler and pounced, pushing Fowler form his crouched position to the ground.

"Ack-! Bad dog!" Fowler yelled as Sumo began to lick his face. The police staff laughed at the site as Fowler tried to push Sumo off but the dog was much too heavy. Fowler eventually laughed as well as Connor pulled Sumo off, Fowler instantly sitting up. "I'm too old for this, Lieutenant." Fowler growled, putting back on his captain mode. Hank shrugged,

"Well, you were always the one who was tackled by dogs." Hank smiled.

"Hey! That only happened once! And I was caught off guard!" Fowler scowled.

"Well, you seemed pretty on guard on the football field." He smirked. Fowler rolled his eyes at the memory. Connor tilted his head, an innocent but yet confused glance at the two men dropping hints if their past.

"Hank, I have a confession" Fowler started. Hank hummed in response, turning to his boss. "We are never. Never, ever, ever, ever, having a pet day at the station again." Fowler chuckled, looking at all the animals that ran wild around the desks.

Connor frowned at this.

(646 words)

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