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Markus x North

- Fluff

- Jericho

- Carl

- Already in a relationship

"Markus," North said, gaining my attention as she strode toward me. I looked up from where I sat on the hard concrete floor, I found a small room in one of Jericho's hallways, a small space where I could clear my mind at times, even if it's a moldy and stuffy room.

"How'd you find me?" I asked. She chuckled gently, walking closer till her feet were placed between mine. She bent down slightly, her hair falling in her face as her eyes locked onto mine,

"I didn't see you in your main office spot where you like to sit. So I assumed you were in one of Jericho's abandoned rooms." She explained, "Seems I know you well." She smirked. I smiled gently as she dropped down to one knee, putting her hand up. I gently pressed my hand against hers, removing the skin up to my elbow.

Flashes of the Eden club came into mind, then to our happy moments that we've spent together so far. I let my memories of me in the junkyard transfer to her, then the memory of me pushing Leo away. She intertwined our fingers before leaning in and gently kissing my lips, I lovingly kissed back, feeling my heartbeat regulator go up to a fast past. She pulled away, sitting down onto the floor in front of me, keeping her hand locked with mine.

"Markus..." She started, sliding herself to my side, pressing her back against the wall and laying her head on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked.

"When you were in the graveyard... were you... scared?" She asked.

"No... I was terrified. I was close to feeling certain that I was going to die." I answered. "But... I felt something much more powerful than fear during that time. When I finally crawled out, I felt... Relief... Freedom... Faith..." I smiled, squeezing her hand. She stayed silent, staring at the wall across from us.

"We should return to the main area, they're all awaiting your leadership," North said. I nodded, standing up and gently taking her hand and helping her up. She smiled, keeping her hand in mine. "Have you heard of the famous deviant hunter?" She asked.

"The RK800?" North asked.

"I heard rumors of an RK900... I'm mentioning this because I want you to be safe, please look out for suspicion." I begged slightly.

"Yes, of course." She replied. "You know... You questioned Kara why she cares for a human because they hate us..." She started.


"But you cared for Carl." she finished. I sighed, avoiding her gaze.

"I just... I miss him. He's like a father to me. I guess the longer I go without some sign of humanity in humans, the angrier I get watching our people get killed." I confessed. "I'm... I'm sorry, that you had a rough start when it comes to humans, but after all this. Humans will treat androids equally." I said, confidence in my voice. She leaned into the hope in my words, squeezing my hand tightly. "I... I want you to meet, Carl."

"Really?" She asked, her face lighting up in a beaming smile.



"Welcome back, Markus." The door announced, causing a small smile to form on my lips. I strolled in, North's hand wrapped around mine. I teasingly shushed her as we both snuck up the stairs to Carl's room. An android stood outside the door, demanding that we leave.

"He's very weak," he said. I grabbed his hand, my skin fading away.

"Please, I must see him," I begged. The android nodded before moving to the side, the door opening on its own. I looped my finger on North's jean belt loop, pulling her to me as we walked into the room. I could feel my chest grow heavy as I looked at Carl laying in bed, a beeping machine next to him. "C-Carl." I choked out. He slowly looked to me, a small smile forming.

"Markus... I was hoping you would come."

"Of course I would." I smiled, placing my hand on his. He looked up to North,

"Wow, how'd you find such a beautiful android?" He asked. I chuckled, turning to North with a playful brow. "I want baby robots running around the house. I'll be a great robo ' grandpa, I promise." Carl smiled. I heard North let out a small chuckle, going down to one knee so she could join me at Carl's bedside.

"We will see," I answered. Carl let out a weak chuckle, turning away slightly. I stood, taking North by the hand.

"You should get rest... Father." I suggested. He closed his eyes, nodding.

"I agree," he said. He reached out for my hand, gently grasping it. "Please return anytime... Son." He smiled. I nodded, gently setting his hand back on his torso.

"We'll return before you know it." North smiled, seeking her way to the door. I followed behind her, wrapping my arm around her waist once we were out of my father's vision.

"That went well." I smiled. She smiled back, gently nudging me with her elbow.

"So? Robot children? how bout it?" She joked.

(Word count: 833)

(Requested by @enderangel13 )

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